lsalzman / enet

ENet reliable UDP networking library
MIT License
2.66k stars 667 forks source link

Connection failure on some cases #213

Open xhzzhang opened 1 year ago

xhzzhang commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your great project, but I tested and found that fail to connect mNetAssist.deb or TcpUdp.exe, but success to connect server program was implement enet.

client code



include <enet/enet.h>




using namespace std;

void run() { ENetHost client; client = enet_host_create (NULL / create a client host /, 1 / only allow 1 outgoing connection /, 2 / allow up 2 channels to be used, 0 and 1 /, 0 / assume any amount of incoming bandwidth /, 0 / assume any amount of outgoing bandwidth */); if (client == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "An error occurred while trying to create an ENet client host.\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); }

ENetAddress address;
ENetEvent event;
ENetPeer *peer;
/* Connect to */
enet_address_set_host (& address, "");
address.port = 12345;
/* Initiate the connection, allocating the two channels 0 and 1. */
peer = enet_host_connect (client, & address, 2, 0);    
if (peer == NULL)
   fprintf (stderr, 
            "No available peers for initiating an ENet connection.\n");
   return ;
ENetPacket * packet = enet_packet_create ("packet", 
                                          strlen ("packet") + 1, 
/* Extend the packet so and append the string "foo", so it now */
/* contains "packetfoo\0"                                      */
enet_packet_resize (packet, strlen ("packetfoo") + 1);
strcpy ((char*)(& packet -> data [strlen ("packet")]), "foo");

/* Wait up to 5 seconds for the connection attempt to succeed. */
if (enet_host_service (client, & event, 5000) > 0 &&
    event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT)
    printf ("Connection to succeeded.");
    /* Create a reliable packet of size 7 containing "packet\0" */
    /* Send the packet to the peer over channel id 0. */
    /* One could also broadcast the packet by         */
    /* enet_host_broadcast (host, 0, packet);         */
    enet_peer_send (peer, 0, packet);
    /* One could just use enet_host_service() instead. */
    enet_host_flush (client);
    event.peer -> data = new char[10];
    strcpy ((char*)(event.peer -> data), "foo2");
    enet_peer_reset (peer);
    printf ("Connection to failed.");
    return ;
char msg[200] = {0};
/* Wait up to 5 seconds for the connection attempt to succeed. */
while (enet_host_service (client, & event, 5000) >= 0)
    switch (event.type)
        printf ("From %s,%u[len=%u]: %s\n",
                event.peer -> data,
                event.packet -> dataLength,
                event.packet -> data);
        /* Clean up the packet now that we're done using it. */
        //enet_packet_destroy (event.packet);


        printf ("%s disconnected.\n", event.peer -> data);
        /* Reset the peer's client information. */
        event.peer -> data = NULL;
    // enet应该放在单独的线程里跑,scanf阻塞后会,影响enet_host_service发送心跳
    // 心跳1s一次,如果5s内没有心跳,服务端会提示连接断开
    enet_packet_resize (packet, strlen (msg) + 1);
    strcpy ((char*)( packet -> data ), msg);
    enet_peer_send (peer, 0, packet);
    enet_host_flush (client);*/


int main() { if (enet_initialize () != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "An error occurred while initializing ENet.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } run();

return 0;


Hope someone can give me some advice, thanks.