lsalzman / enet

ENet reliable UDP networking library
MIT License
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Client is extremely slow receiving broadcasted messages #97

Open devhandle opened 6 years ago

devhandle commented 6 years ago

I'm testing enet to see if it's suitable for our needs. We want to broadcast ~10Mb per second to multiple clients. Packet loss / reliability is not a priority so UDP is suitable - I chose enet because of the easy to use api.

I've created a client and server - the server continuously broadcasts packets (_enet_hostbroadcast) in a loop sending large ~2mb packets. The problem is the client is only receiving around 1 packet per second. The docs state that _enet_hostbroadcast queues the packet for sending and I can see that the server memory increasing quickly. The data is queued but isn't being sent quickly enough.

Reducing the packet size does improve things but the maximum speed I could achieve from a single server and client was around 5mb per second. This is all running on localhost on one machine. I can achieve > 90Mb per second if I use ZeroMQ (TCP)!

I've set ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED which did improve speed but I was hoping to at least match ZeroMQ speeds.

Is enet suitable for what I'm trying to achieve (continuously sending large buffers >2Mb)? Has anyone experienced such slow client speeds?

devhandle commented 6 years ago

I've managed to fix the client issues i was having. I had a short sleep() in my code which was causing the clients to read slowly. I've removed the sleep altogether the speed has increased massively.

I do have another issue though. As mentioned I'm broadcasting large chunks of data per second (~10Mb). I'm testing everything locally on my machine and everything works great until I connect more than 2 clients. On connecting a 3rd client I see the throughput slowing gradually and the server memory increasing until I get an OOM error. I'm guessing the server is queuing data internally but the amount of data I'm sending is still not that high. I was hoping that the number of clients would not cause an issue when I'm not using the reliable delivery behaviour.

inlife commented 5 years ago

seems like you are not calling enet_host_service often enough, and that starves enet, piling up queued data