lsascha / registeraddress

newsletter registration extension to tt_address made in Extbase + Fluid for Typo3. with double-opt in, user editing and unsubscribing
GNU General Public License v2.0
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"confirm" Action #39

Closed mtness closed 6 years ago

mtness commented 6 years ago

Hi there! First of all, thank you very much for your work!

I am looking for some "confirm"-Action - just a generated link in a directmail-newsletter, that when clicked, sets or removes a flag in the DB. (with best regards from gdpr) is this possible somehow with this extension?

lsascha commented 6 years ago

What do you mean exactly? There is the approveAction which sets hidden to false for having a double-opt-in functionality.

If you need something specific to be set, you might be able to attach to the approveBeforePersist signal in your own extension.

In the discussion about the DSGVO in #26 we thought it should be enough if you have a text and the regular approve action of the double-opt-in functionality.

mtness commented 6 years ago

Argh, the topic notfication got loast somehow^^

However - I need to generate a link via direct mail to send an email to all subscribers, which just contains a personalized link with "Yes, keep me in the list"

My desired behaviour is, this link should trigger the approveAction for the specific user.

But I am wondering how to link dirct_mail into this.

andreaspollak commented 6 years ago

With direct_mail we used a link inside content element as solution:

<p><a href=";tx_registeraddress_registerform%5Baction%5D=approve&amp;tx_registeraddress_registerform%5Bcontroller%5D=Address">NEWSLETTER EMPFANG ZUSTIMMEN</a> </p>

please check if this solves your problem

mtness commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much - this is exactly what I needed, works for me, too! (I didn't know about the hash generator in EM until today...)