lsascha / registeraddress

newsletter registration extension to tt_address made in Extbase + Fluid for Typo3. with double-opt in, user editing and unsubscribing
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 18 forks source link

Links in html-mails not rendered #62

Open zabinetta opened 5 years ago

zabinetta commented 5 years ago

Hi Folks, I had a problem in my html-mails (information, registration and unsubscribe), because the links were not rendered. This was because the f:link.action-viewhelper had no value to put the link upon. I changed to (unsubscribe-Mail): <f:format.html> {f:translate(key:'')}<br>{f:uri.action(action: 'delete', arguments: {hash: hash}, controller: 'Address', extensionName: 'registeraddress', pluginName: 'registerform', noCacheHash: 1, pageUid: settings.pagewithform, absolute: 1) -> f:format.htmlentitiesDecode()} </f:format.html>

TYPO3 is 8.7.24, registeraddress is 2.0.1 with the best regards, Sabine