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Katex AngularJS #1

Open lsbardel opened 9 years ago

lsbardel commented 9 years ago

Feedbacks and Comments for

user3587412 commented 9 years ago


Thanks for your article. I also made a custom directive based on your code. However, when i used "<" or ">" signs (e.g., <katex> 0 > p > 1 </katex>), the directive broke, probably because the <> signs are used for html tags. Would there be a way to work around this?


lsbardel commented 9 years ago

Looks like the only option is to fallback to MathJax by using begin{equation}

<div katex>
0 > p > \frac{1}{a}

You may want to ask the question to the Katex developer for a better answer.

josuemontano commented 9 years ago

Great article, thanks! However I've got a problem, I render equations fetched from a DB so my controller looks like this

.controller('FormulaCrtl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
   // I really got this from a service
    $scope.formula = {
        title: 'Lorem ipsum',
        content: '<katex>d y_t = \alpha_t dt + \sigma_t d W_t</katex>'
.filter('html', ['$sce', function ($sce) { 
    return function (text) {
        return $sce.trustAsHtml(text);

When I render as <div ng-bind-html="article.content | html"></div> the equation is not rendered by your KaTeX directive, how could I solve it? Thanks again!