lschmid83 / 12-Step-Recovery-Guide

This is an Android app written in Java and Android Studio. It provides 12-Step reading materials, daily quotes, meditations, motivational images, a meeting map and speaker tapes.
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The magnifying glass icon in the meetings fragment search bar is not visible in dark mode #38

Closed lschmid83 closed 1 month ago

lschmid83 commented 1 month ago

There is a problem with the themes.xml (night) theme where the magnifying glass icon in the meetings search field is not visible.

lschmid83 commented 1 month ago

I have researched this issue and the drawableTint property controls the color of the EditText drawableStart icon.

Changing the Theme.RecoveryMeetingFinder drawableTint changes the color but this results in all of the icons on the homepage being set to this color which is not correct.

To fix this I have implemented a separate theme called Theme.Meetings in the themes.xml file and added the code:

getContext().getTheme().applyStyle(, true);

to the MeetingsFragment onCreateView method.

I also updated the colorPrimary theme property to @color/white which corrects the tab view text color in the meetings fragment.