lschoe / mpyc

MPyC: Multiparty Computation in Python
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why gather(a) in mul operation, is this secure? #24

Closed cyckun closed 3 years ago

cyckun commented 3 years ago

Hi, a question puzzle me when i read the code in, about the function mul(self, a, b), why gather(a)? gather operation will reveal the true value of a to the peer, i think this operation is not secure. is my understanding wrong?

lschoe commented 3 years ago

Well, the semantics of mpc.gather() is as follows.

First it's important to understand that this function call won't return a normal value that can be processed right away. Rather, it will return an awaitable object in much the same way as Python's asyncio.gather() does.

So, let's assume a is a secure integer and we run await mpc.gather(a). The result will then be the share of a belonging to the party running (a copy of) the MPyC program. If you run MPyC with m = 1 party you will see the actual value of a because the secret sharing is trivial. But if you look carefully, you will also see that the type of the result is not a secure type anymore, but a finite field type. In other words, await mpc.gather(a) gives you the share in the underlying finite field used for Shamir secret sharing. If you run MPyC with m = 3 parties you'll see meaningless values corresponding to the shares of a.

A related function is mpc.output(), which is also asynchronous. If you run await mpc.output(a) the result will actually be of type int and it represents the value of the secure integer a after all shares have been pooled together for reconstruction in Shamir secret sharing (and after casting the secret which lives in a prime field to an int).

For basic use of MPyC one does not need to bother about mpc.gather(). It's mainly used inside "kernel" routines that need to operate on secret shares directly. However, mpc.output() is commonly used to "open" anything that one wants to output in the clear as the result of a privacy-preserving computation.

cyckun commented 3 years ago

Hi lschoe, thanks very much for you reply, is there any paper that Mpyc is based on? about the details of mul/sgn operation, or about the detail of PRSS. I have read some paper about PRSS, but no paper is match with the code in Mpyc.

lschoe commented 3 years ago

Hi cyckun!

Well, MPyC is based on many known results from the literature mixed with lots of enhancements, optimizations, and extensions. The underlying protocol for mpc.mul() is BGW88 (Ben-Or--Goldwasser--Wigderson) plus GRR98 (Gennaro--Rabin--Rabin). The LT part of mpc.sgn() is a slightly optimized version of Toft's comparison protocol, which can already be found in VIFF code.

Similarly, the use of PRSS in MPyC also goes back to VIFF. In MPyC, however, the PRSS seed values can be generated and distributed at the start of a session, making it much easier to use than it used to be in VIFF. Also, note that the use of PRSS is not essential: it's used in a few places only, and can be replaced by simple alternative protocols at the cost of slightly more interaction between the parties.

cyckun commented 3 years ago

I got it, thanks