lsd-rs / lsd

The next gen ls command
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: `icons.yaml` does not seem to override icons #1082

Open hawkw opened 2 months ago

hawkw commented 2 months ago



eliza@theseus ~ $ lsd --version
lsd 1.1.2

What OS are you seeing the problem on?



From Nixpkgs


eliza@theseus ~ $ echo $TERM


eliza@theseus ~ $ echo $LS_COLORS

What happened?

I have an icons.yaml file in $HOME/config/lsd/icons.yaml. The icons.theme key in $HOME/.config/lsd/config.yaml is set to "unicode", and icons.when is set to "auto". However, my specified file type icons in icons.yaml do not seem to override the defaults.

For example:

eliza@theseus ~ $ lsd ~/.config/lsd
🔖 config.yaml  🔖 icons.yaml

eliza@theseus ~ $ cat ~/.config/lsd/config.yaml
  when: auto
hyperlink: auto
  separator: ' '
  theme: unicode
  when: auto

eliza@theseus ~ $ cat ~/.config/lsd/icons.yaml
  device_block: 🖴
  device_char: 🖵
  dir: 🗀
  executable: 🗔
  file: 🗎
  pipe: ⭍
  socket: 🖧

eliza@theseus ~ $ ls
📂 Code  📂 Desktop  📂 Documents  📂 Downloads  📄 hubris.core.ringbuf-counts  📂 keybase  📂 Music  📂 Pictures  📂 Public  📄 se.jpeg  📂 Templates  📂 Videos  📄 vudials.log

eliza@theseus ~ $ lsd
📂 Code       📂 Downloads                   📂 Music     📄 se.jpeg    📄 vudials.log
📂 Desktop    📄 hubris.core.ringbuf-counts  📂 Pictures  📂 Templates
📂 Documents  📂 keybase                     📂 Public    📂 Videos

eliza@theseus ~ $ lsd /dev
🖨 autofs           🖨 hidraw2      🖨 kvm           🔖 rtc      🖨 tty26  🖨 tty54        🖨 vcs6
📂 block           🖨 hpet         🔖 log          🖨 rtc0      🖨 tty27  🖨 tty55        🖨 vcs7
🖨 btrfs-control    📂 hugepages   🖨 loop-control  📂 shm      🖨 tty28  🖨 tty56        🖨 vcsa
📂 bus             🖨 hwrng        💽 loop0        🖨 snapshot  🖨 tty29  🖨 tty57        🖨 vcsa1
📂 char            🖨 i2c-0        💽 loop1        📂 snd      🖨 tty3   🖨 tty58        🖨 vcsa2
🖨 console          🖨 i2c-1        💽 loop2        🔖 stderr   🖨 tty30  🖨 tty59        🖨 vcsa3
🔖 core            🖨 i2c-10       💽 loop3        🔖 stdin    🖨 tty31  🖨 tty6         🖨 vcsa4
📂 cpu             🖨 i2c-11       💽 loop4        🔖 stdout   🖨 tty32  🖨 tty60        🖨 vcsa5
🖨 cpu_dma_latency  🖨 i2c-12       💽 loop5        🖨 tee0      🖨 tty33  🖨 tty61        🖨 vcsa6
🖨 cuse             🖨 i2c-13       💽 loop6        🖨 tpm0      🖨 tty34  🖨 tty62        🖨 vcsa7
🖨 dbc              🖨 i2c-14       💽 loop7        🖨 tpmrm0    🖨 tty35  🖨 tty63        🖨 vcsu
📂 disk            🖨 i2c-15       📂 mapper       🖨 tty       🖨 tty36  🖨 tty7         🖨 vcsu1
💽 dm-0            🖨 i2c-16       🖨 media0        🖨 tty0      🖨 tty37  🖨 tty8         🖨 vcsu2
💽 dm-1            🖨 i2c-17       🖨 mem           🖨 tty1      🖨 tty38  🖨 tty9         🖨 vcsu3
📂 dri             🖨 i2c-18       📂 mqueue       🖨 tty10     🖨 tty39  🖨 ttyS0        🖨 vcsu4
🖨 drm_dp_aux0      🖨 i2c-19       📂 net          🖨 tty11     🖨 tty4   🖨 ttyS1        🖨 vcsu5
🖨 drm_dp_aux1      🖨 i2c-2        🖨 ng0n1         🖨 tty12     🖨 tty40  🖨 ttyS2        🖨 vcsu6
🖨 drm_dp_aux2      🖨 i2c-20       🖨 null          🖨 tty13     🖨 tty41  🖨 ttyS3        🖨 vcsu7
🖨 drm_dp_aux3      🖨 i2c-21       🖨 nvme0         🖨 tty14     🖨 tty42  🖨 udmabuf      📂 vfio
🖨 drm_dp_aux4      🖨 i2c-22       💽 nvme0n1      🖨 tty15     🖨 tty43  🖨 uhid         🖨 vga_arbiter
🖨 drm_dp_aux5      🖨 i2c-3        💽 nvme0n1p1    🖨 tty16     🖨 tty44  🖨 uinput       🖨 vhci
🖨 drm_dp_aux6      🖨 i2c-4        💽 nvme0n1p2    🖨 tty17     🖨 tty45  🖨 urandom      🖨 vhost-net
🖨 drm_dp_aux7      🖨 i2c-5        💽 nvme0n1p3    🖨 tty18     🖨 tty46  🖨 userfaultfd  🖨 vhost-vsock
🖨 drm_dp_aux8      🖨 i2c-6        🖨 nvram         🖨 tty19     🖨 tty47  🖨 userio       🖨 video0
🖨 fb0              🖨 i2c-7        🖨 port          🖨 tty2      🖨 tty48  📂 v4l         🖨 video1
🗂 fd               🖨 i2c-8        🖨 ppp           🖨 tty20     🖨 tty49  🖨 vcs          🖨 watchdog
🖨 full             🖨 i2c-9        🖨 ptmx          🖨 tty21     🖨 tty5   🖨 vcs1         🖨 watchdog0
🖨 fuse             🖨 iio:device0  📂 pts          🖨 tty22     🖨 tty50  🖨 vcs2         🖨 zero
🖨 gpiochip0        📂 input       🖨 random        🖨 tty23     🖨 tty51  🖨 vcs3
🖨 hidraw0          🖨 kfd          🖨 rfkill        🖨 tty24     🖨 tty52  🖨 vcs4
🖨 hidraw1          🖨 kmsg         🔖 root         🖨 tty25     🖨 tty53  🖨 vcs5

eliza@theseus ~ $

Note that the overridden directory, block device, char device, and file icons in icons.yaml are not used.

What expected?

I would have expected the overridden icons to be used, as described in the README here.

What else?

It seems like the documentation on setting a custom icon theme in the README may no longer describe lsd's actual behavior? Looking at lsd/src/, it looks like the Theme struct now attempts to parse an icon theme, color theme, and Git symbols from the same file:

I'd be happy to open a PR to either update the documentation or fix the implementation so that it does what the documentation says! However, before doing that, it would be great to hear from the maintainers regarding what the intended behavior here is. Is the icon theme still supposed to be parsed from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lsd/icons.yaml as described in the README, or is the apparent behavior of parsing both the icons and color theme from the same YAML file correct? If the current behavior is intended, how is the new theme file supposed to be used --- where should it be located, and how do I point lsd at it?

hxlnt commented 1 month ago

@hawkw FYI, this appears to be fixed as of version 1.1.5. Here are some custom overrides in my icons.yaml file:

Screenshot from 2024-10-01 00-12-07

ttoino commented 2 weeks ago

The custom icons are only applied when the icon theme is fancy, as evidenced by these lines:

This should ideally be reflected in the documentation, I spent quite a while trying to figure out why my icons were not working.

nilp0inter commented 2 weeks ago

@hxlnt , I am not able to reproduce your setup with the same version. Could you please share your icons.yaml file?

hxlnt commented 2 weeks ago

@nilp0inter Sure, though the characters won't render correctly here, as they require a Nerdfont. I've also included my config.yaml.


classic: false
  - name
  - size
  - date
  when: auto
  theme: custom
date: relative
dereference: false
  when: always
  theme: fancy
  separator: " "
indicators: false
layout: tree
  enabled: false
  depth: 1
size: short
  column: name
  reverse: false
  dir-grouping: first
no-symlink: false
total-size: false
hyperlink: always
symlink-arrow: ⇒
header: true


  .bashrc: 
  .eslintrc.js: 
  .eslintrc.json: 
  .eslintrc.yml: 
  .git: 
  .gitignore: 
  .gitlab-ci.yml: 
  .todo: 
  .trash: 
  commit_editmsg: 
  config: 
  desktop: 
  description: 
  documents: 
  downloads: 
  fetch_head: 
  go.mod: 
  go.sum: 
  head: 
  heroku.yml: 
  index: 
  lib: 
  license: 
  makefile: 
  music: 
  node_modules: 
  orig_head: 
  package.json: 
  pictures: 
  public: 
  pyproject.toml: 
  scripts: 
  src: 
  tests: 
  videos: 
  1: 
  2: 
  3: 
  4: 
  asm: 
  avi: 
  bak: 
  bat: 
  bin: 
  bmp: 
  c: 
  cpp: 
  cert: 
  cfg: 
  cson: 
  css: 
  csv: 
  db: 
  deb: 
  doc: 
  docx: 
  ejs: 
  exe: 
  go: 
  gif: 
  git: 
  h: 
  hpp: 
  hex: 
  htm: 
  html: 
  img: 
  ini: 
  ino: 
  jpeg: 
  jpg: 
  js: 
  json: 
  jsx: 
  key: 
  list: 
  lock: 
  log: 
  lua: 
  md: 
  m4v: 
  mpeg: 
  mpg: 
  nes: 
  nfo: 
  old: 
  otf: 
  png: 
  ppt: 
  pptx: 
  py: 
  rar: 
  rom: 
  rs: 
  rss: 
  save: 
  sh: 
  tar: 
  toml: 
  ts: 
  tsx: 
  ttf: 
  txt: 
  vue: 
  xls: 
  xlsx: 
  xml: 
  yaml: 
  yml: 
  zip: 
  dir: 
  file: 
nilp0inter commented 1 week ago

@hxlnt Thanks! I was able to identify the issue. It turned out that I was trying to override the Downloads folder, but it wasn't having the desired effect. Upon further investigation, I discovered that the keys should be in lowercase. To successfully override the icon in the Downloads directory, I had to include a downloads entry.