lsd-rs / lsd

The next gen ls command
Apache License 2.0
13.16k stars 429 forks source link

Quoting feature is not fully compatible with GNU ls #776

Open TeamTamoad opened 1 year ago

TeamTamoad commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

This issue is a follow up from this issue and the note section in this pr The following are list of GNU ls features that involving quoting that are not implemented in lsd yet.

 $ /usr/bin/ls --version
ls (GNU coreutils) 9.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Richard M. Stallman and David MacKenzie.
  1. List of command line options involving quoting from man page

       -N, --literal
              print entry names without quoting
       -Q, --quote-name
              enclose entry names in double quotes
              use quoting style WORD for entry names: literal, locale, shell, shell-always, shell-escape,  shell-es‐
              cape-always, c, escape (overrides QUOTING_STYLE environment variable)

    NOTE: I didn't investigate each behavior of quoting style yet.

  2. GNU ls has better file alignment

    $ /usr/bin/ls -l
    total 100
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket     0 Nov 19 00:42 'a filename with space'
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket  1410 Nov 18 23:55
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket 30052 Nov 18 23:55  Cargo.lock
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket  1449 Nov 18 23:55  Cargo.toml
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket 17756 Nov 18 23:55
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 teamrakket teamrakket    96 Oct 16 02:44  ci
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket    25 Oct 16 02:44  CODEOWNERS
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 teamrakket teamrakket    12 Oct 16 02:44  doc
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket 11359 Oct 16 02:44  LICENSE
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket 19942 Nov 18 23:55
    -rw-r--r--. 1 teamrakket teamrakket   178 Oct 16 02:46  rustfmt.toml
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 teamrakket teamrakket   192 Nov 18 23:55  src
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 teamrakket teamrakket    72 Oct 16 02:47  target
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 teamrakket teamrakket     0 Nov 19 00:03  test-quote
    drwxr-xr-x. 1 teamrakket teamrakket    28 Oct 16 02:46  tests
    $ cargo run -- -l --ignore-config
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running `target/debug/lsd -l --ignore-config`
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket   0 B  Sat Nov 19 00:42:11 2022  'a filename with space'
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket 1.4 KB Fri Nov 18 23:55:37 2022 
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket  29 KB Fri Nov 18 23:55:37 2022  Cargo.lock
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket 1.4 KB Fri Nov 18 23:55:37 2022  Cargo.toml
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket  17 KB Fri Nov 18 23:55:37 2022 
    drwxr-xr-x. teamrakket teamrakket  96 B  Sun Oct 16 02:44:26 2022  ci
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket  25 B  Sun Oct 16 02:44:26 2022  CODEOWNERS
    drwxr-xr-x. teamrakket teamrakket  12 B  Sun Oct 16 02:44:26 2022  doc
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket  11 KB Sun Oct 16 02:44:26 2022  LICENSE
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket  20 KB Fri Nov 18 23:55:37 2022 
    .rw-r--r--. teamrakket teamrakket 178 B  Sun Oct 16 02:46:28 2022  rustfmt.toml
    drwxr-xr-x. teamrakket teamrakket 192 B  Fri Nov 18 23:55:37 2022  src
    drwxr-xr-x. teamrakket teamrakket  72 B  Sun Oct 16 02:47:08 2022  target
    drwxr-xr-x. teamrakket teamrakket   0 B  Sat Nov 19 00:03:47 2022  test-quote
    drwxr-xr-x. teamrakket teamrakket  28 B  Sun Oct 16 02:46:28 2022  tests
  3. Some character in filename are not get quoted such as ! or (

    $ /usr/bin/ls
    '20 20'   2B+2B   37737    42B42   4DM4D   58X58    63c63   6En6E   79y79            ci
    '21!21'   2C,2C   38838    43C43   4EN4E   59Y59    64d64   6Fo6F   7Az7A            CODEOWNERS
    '22"22'   2D-2D   39939    44D44   4FO4F   5AZ5A    65e65   70p70   7B{7B            doc
    23#23    2E.2E   3A:3A    45E45   50P50  '5B[5B'   66f66   71q71  '7C|7C'          'filename with $'
    '24$24'   30030  '3B;3B'   46F46   51Q51  '5C\5C'   67g67   72r72   7D}7D            LICENSE
    25%25    31131  '3C<3C'   47G47   52R52   5D]5D    68h68   73s73   7E~7E  
    '26&26'   32232  '3D=3D'   48H48   53S53  '5E^5E'   69i69   74t74  'a filename with space'   rustfmt.toml
    "27'27"   33333  '3E>3E'   49I49   54T54   5F_5F    6Aj6A   75u75             src
    '28(28'   34434  '3F?3F'   4AJ4A   55U55  '60`60'   6Bk6B   76v76   Cargo.lock           target
    '29)29'   35535   40@40    4BK4B   56V56   61a61    6Cl6C   77w77   Cargo.toml           test-quote
    '2A*2A'   36636   41A41    4CL4C   57W57   62b62    6Dm6D   78x78         tests
    $ cargo run -- --ignore-config
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running `target/debug/lsd --ignore-config`
     '20 20'   2D-2D   3B;3B   48H48   55U55     62b62   6Fo6F   7C|7C                    
     21!21     2E.2E   3C<3C   49I49   56V56     63c63   70p70   7D}7D                     rustfmt.toml
     '22"22'   30030   3D=3D   4AJ4A   57W57     64d64   71q71   7E~7E                     src
     23#23     31131   3E>3E   4BK4B   58X58     65e65   72r72   'a filename with space'   target
     '24$24'   32232   3F?3F   4CL4C   59Y59     66f66   73s73                    test-quote
     25%25     33333   40@40   4DM4D   5AZ5A     67g67   74t74   Cargo.lock                tests
     26&26     34434   41A41   4EN4E   5B[5B     68h68   75u75   Cargo.toml
     "27'27"   35535   42B42   4FO4F   '5C\5C'   69i69   76v76  
     28(28     36636   43C43   50P50   5D]5D     6Aj6A   77w77   ci
     29)29     37737   44D44   51Q51   5E^5E     6Bk6B   78x78   CODEOWNERS
     2A*2A     38838   45E45   52R52   5F_5F     6Cl6C   79y79   doc
     2B+2B     39939   46F46   53S53   60`60     6Dm6D   7Az7A   'filename with $'
     2C,2C     3A:3A   47G47   54T54   61a61     6En6E   7B{7B   LICENSE
meain commented 1 year ago

Thanks for filing a detailed report. :D