lsd / Today-Scripts

A widget for running scripts in the Today View in OS X Yosemite's Notification Center
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Update for sierra #4

Open gporrata opened 7 years ago

gporrata commented 7 years ago

With sierra, apple decided to keep the notification center translucent always. This makes it difficult to see colorized scripts.

falkvw commented 7 years ago

I have added the following to the NSExtension dictionary in the /Widget/Supporting Files/Info.plist:

NSExtensionPointVersion: 2.0

Then you have to change default white color to black color in TodayScript.m. Works fine for me...


iliocatallo commented 7 years ago

It would be great to have a pre-compiled binary with a sensible dark background.

falkvw commented 7 years ago

I have added a new fork with pre compiled build for osx macOS 10.12.3 at

It has new light transparent style, dark grey font and Helvetica Neue as standard font

iliocatallo commented 7 years ago

@falkvw: great. I'd suggest providing a ready-to-use binary together with the source code.

falkvw commented 7 years ago

I think the files in the /build folder should work. Can you check?

iliocatallo commented 7 years ago

@falkvw: it seems to work. The only problem I see is that elements may overlap (see screenshot).

screen shot 2017-03-14 at 10 09 58

Anyhow, I would suggest placing the link to the binary directly in the repository README.

falkvw commented 7 years ago

Okay have changed the readme. Thank you.

gooddadmike commented 7 years ago

Look at the numbers. They are out of alignment because of not being in a monospaced font. How to address this?

benjaminfrombe commented 7 years ago

I built a version with the monospaced font on the new white sierra background:

enjoy !