lsecicmc / AVENS

AVENS is part of a research project that aims to provide a simulation test bed for virtual experiments of network coverage and connectivity among Unmaned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) flying in cooperation or sharing the same airspace.
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How to calculate Throughput? #4

Open nisar-007 opened 6 months ago

nisar-007 commented 6 months ago

I have successfully done AVENS with OMNET++ and it's running too. But I am unable to calculate Throughput (I have tried signal, emit, statistics and even writing my own code but got only errors) Also, pkrcvd remain the same even if I change no of hosts and gcs recieves no packets at all in UDP streaming App (I am using UPD Stream Cli/Svr where gcs is the client and UAVs are the servers). Can someone help me? Thank you :)


debug-on-errors = true

sim-time-limit = 100000s output-scalar-file-append = false cmdenv-express-mode = true network = FANET num-rngs = 2

FANET.numHosts = 3 FANET.handler.filename = "C:\tmp\pluginInterface.xml" FANET.handler.hostVariableName = "uav" FANET.handler.numHostVariableName = "numHosts"

tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../Etc/plugins


description = "Simulacao AVENS"

.vector-recording = true .constraintAreaMinX = 0m .constraintAreaMinY = 0m .constraintAreaMinZ = 0m .constraintAreaMaxX = 2500m .constraintAreaMaxY = 2500m **.constraintAreaMaxZ = 2500m

**.channelNumber = 0

**.mobility.updateInterval = 2s

.numPingApps = 1 .pingApp[*].destAddr = "uav[0]" *.pingApp[].sendInterval = 10s *.pingApp[].sleepDuration = 10s

**.uav[0].numUdpApps = 0

.uav[0].udpApp[*].typename = "UDPVideoStreamSvr" *.uav[0].udpApp[].videoSize = 10MiB .uav[0].udpApp[*].localPort = 3088 *.uav[0].udpApp[].sendInterval = 10ms *.uav[0].udpApp[].packetLen = 1000B

.gcs.numUdpApps = 0 .gcs.udpApp[*].typename = "UDPVideoStreamCli" .gcs.udpApp[*].serverAddress = "uav0" *.gcs.udpApp[].localPort = 9999 .gcs.udpApp[*].serverPort = 3088 *.gcs.udpApp[].startTime = 0

.routingFile = "" .ip.procDelay = 10us

ARP configuration

.arp.retryTimeout = 1s .arp.retryCount = 3 **.arp.cacheTimeout = 100s

*.obstacleControl.obstacles = xmldoc("obstacles.xml") # obstacles XML

*.obstacleControl.debug = true # obstacles XML

**.annotations.draw = true


Parameters for MAC layer


nic settings

*.wlan.bitrate = 2Mbps

.mac.address = "auto" .mac.maxQueueSize = 14 .mac.rtsThresholdBytes = 3000B .wlan[*].mac.retryLimit = 7 *.wlan[].mac.cwMinData = 7

.radioMedium.backgroundNoise.power = -110dBm .radioMedium.mediumVisualizer.displayCommunication = true

include uavconf.ini


Parameters for the Energy Model (units: mAh and mA)

############################################################################## **.hasStatus = true

.energyStorageType = "SimpleEnergyStorage" .energyConsumerType = "StateBasedEnergyConsumer" .energyStorage.nominalCapacity = 0.05J .energyStorage.nodeShutdownCapacity = 0J *.energyStorage.nodeStartCapacity = 0.5 this.nominalCapacity .energyStorage.initialCapacity = uniform(0J, this.nominalCapacity) .energyGeneratorType = "AlternatingEnergyGenerator" .energyGenerator.energySinkModule = "^.energyStorage" .energyGenerator.powerGeneration = 100mW .energyGenerator.sleepInterval = exponential(10s) .energyGenerator.generationInterval = exponential(10s)

**.rxSetupTime = 0.00108s




**.gcs.mobilityType = "StationaryMobility"


Output vectors

############################################################################## output-vector-file = ${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.vec output-scalar-file = ${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.sca

.End-to-end delay.vector-recording = true .Mean end-to-end delay.vector-recording = true **.scalar-recording = true