lsegal / yard

YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for "Yay!"
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Fix error when docsting is just only `@option` #1515

Open ksss opened 8 months ago

ksss commented 8 months ago


Running yardoc on the following Ruby code will result in an error.

# t.rb
class Foo
  # @option
  def m
$ bin/yardoc t.rb
[error]: Unhandled exception in YARD::Handlers::Ruby::MethodHandler:
  in `t.rb`:3:

    3: def m

[error]: NoMethodError: undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
[error]: Stack trace:
    /Users/yuki.kurihara/src/ `extract_types_and_name_from_text_unstripped'
    /Users/yuki.kurihara/src/ `extract_types_and_name_from_text'
    /Users/yuki.kurihara/src/ `parse_tag_with_types_name_and_default'
    /Users/yuki.kurihara/src/ `parse_tag_with_options'
    /Users/yuki.kurihara/src/ `send_to_factory'
    /Users/yuki.kurihara/src/ `option_tag'

This problem is seen only with @option and not with other major tags.

I presume that this is probably due to the fact that if text is "" in the following code, the result will be [], creating a text == nil condition when retrieved.

If the Docstring is only "@param", text is still "". To correct the problem, I now treat text as "" when it is nil.

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