lsegal / yard

YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for "Yay!"
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Specs fail for yard 0.6.1 on jruby #185

Closed graaff closed 14 years ago

graaff commented 14 years ago

I'm getting the following spec failures when running the specs with jruby. They run fine with ruby 1.8 and ruby enterprise edition.

1) 'YARD::CodeObjects::Proxy should respond_to respond_to?' FAILED expected: true, got: false (using ==) ./spec/code_objects/proxy_spec.rb:43:

2) 'YARD::Parser::Base#initialize should take 2 arguments' FAILED expected ArgumentError with message matching /wrong number of arguments/, got #<ArgumentError: wrong # of arguments(0 for 2)> ./spec/parser/base_spec.rb:10:

3) YARD::Handlers::NamespaceMissingError in 'YARD::Parser::CParser#parse before(:all)' YARD::Handlers::NamespaceMissingError ./spec/parser/c_parser_spec.rb:7:

4) 'YARD::Parser::SourceParser#parse_in_order should attempt to parse files in order' FAILED expected: /Missing object MyModule/, got: "Processing ./spec/parser/examples/parse_in_order_002.rb.txt..." (using =~) ./spec/parser/source_parser_spec.rb:220:

5) ArgumentError in 'YARD::Registry.load_yardoc should maintain hash key equality on loaded objects' dump format error() ./spec/registry_spec.rb:201:

Finished in 10.788 seconds

989 examples, 5 failures, 1 pending

lsegal commented 14 years ago

Thanks for the report, I was actually just looking at these. I will be tackling them in the next week.

lsegal commented 14 years ago

Most of the JRuby failures turned out to be due to lack of (full) support for continuations, one of them was just a difference in exception messages. The only outlying issue for JRuby right now is the "dump format error" failure, which I've reported as a bug at #JRUBY-5123.

Therefore all fixable JRuby failures have been dealt with, and I will be closing this ticket. Once a fix or workaround for JRUBY-5123 is provided, I will merge it into the codebase.

graaff commented 13 years ago

A belated confirmation that I no longer see these failures with yard 0.7.1. Thanks!