lsegal / yard

YARD is a Ruby Documentation tool. The Y stands for "Yay!"
MIT License
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yard --help doesn't mention yard -h #542

Closed ryanjosephking closed 12 years ago

ryanjosephking commented 12 years ago

...and yard -h is where the actual info is.

lsegal commented 12 years ago

yard --help and yard -h are two different things.

yard --help lists the help for the yard command, which is just a list of actual sub-commands supported by yard.

yard -h is a special case of running the yard doc sub-command. If the first parameter to the yard command is a switch, YARD will automatically assume the "doc" subcommand and invoke that. So when you type yard -h or yard --anything, you are really doing yard doc -h. FYI the only reason yard -h works when yard --help doesn't is because there is no -h switch registered in the yard command but it is registered in the yard doc sub-command.

The info you want is in yardoc --help or (using the yard command) yard doc --help.