lsg551 / matricula-online-scraper

Scraper for Matricula Online
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More intuitive CLI commands #19

Open lsg551 opened 1 month ago

lsg551 commented 1 month ago


See #3 for some details on what Matricula hosts and how things are organized as well as terminology.

The following command scrapes all parishes available to Matricula (depending on the optional search/filter parameters):

$ matricula-online-scraper fetch location -e csv

This returns a list with > 8000 entries. Here's the head of the output:

country  ,region             ,name          ,url
Slovenia ,Nadškofija Maribor ,001 Apače     ,
Slovenia ,Nadškofija Maribor ,002 Artiče    ,
Slovenia ,Nadškofija Maribor ,004 Bele Vode ,
Slovenia ,Nadškofija Maribor ,005 Beltinci  ,
Slovenia ,Nadškofija Maribor ,006 Bizeljsko ,

Taking the output of the first command, i.e. the urls, we can pipe it to the second one. This following command then scrapes all available sources of a parish. For 001 Apače:

$ matricula-online-scraper fetch parish -e csv --url

This returns a list with all available digitized sources of a parish. Here's the head of the output:

name                     ,url                                                               ,accession_number ,date      ,register_type            ,date_range_start ,date_range_end
Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch , ,           00001 ,1673-1689 ,Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch ,"Jan. 1, 1673"   ,"Dec. 31, 1689"
Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch , ,           00002 ,1728-1742 ,Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch ,"Jan. 1, 1728"   ,"Dec. 31, 1742"
Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch , ,           00003 ,1742-1760 ,Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch ,"Jan. 1, 1742"   ,"Dec. 31, 1760"
Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch , ,           00004 ,1760-1804 ,Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch ,"Jan. 1, 1760"   ,"Dec. 31, 1804"
Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch , ,           00005 ,1804-1820 ,Krstna knjiga / Taufbuch ,"Jan. 1, 1804"   ,"Dec. 31, 1820"

I advocate for changing the names of the subcommands to match them better to the entities of Matricula (= more intuitive):

  1. fetch location becomes list parishes which can be used like list parishes --all or list parishes --filter-place "name"
  2. fetch parish becomes list sources which can be used like list sources --parish … --parish …
  3. a new command for fetching the sources of a parish (#3) will be get source which can be used like get source --url … --url …

Affected Versions

All including the most recent one v0.3.0

This proposes a breaking change!

lsg551 commented 1 month ago
lsg551 commented 1 month ago
lsg551 commented 3 weeks ago