Open KungFuFurniture opened 2 months ago
I guess you tried already clean install ? I am using Forge DirectML with Reactor extension without any big issues. Info about ControlNet Preprocessor location shows always during launch so its not even relevant. It just looks like SD doesn't load modules for you for some reason. I am not some expert and i don't know much about python but i will look into the code and try to help you but i need to know first if you tried clean install
Can you show what errors do you have when trying other faceswap extensions ? Also check if your Reactor scripts folder looks like this and it correctly downloaded everything for you
Can you show what errors do you have when trying other faceswap extensions ? Also check if your Reactor scripts folder looks like this and it correctly downloaded everything for you
Here is the reactor folder: (looks the same to me)
And here is what happens with Roop: (very similar to reActor but more...)
and one more for FaceSwapLab... (same)
That is 3 examples of Face extensions that do not work. giving simialr errors.
After looking again maybe the controlnet pre processor is not involved. I dunno. Thanks again for any help.
I have no idea why it happens to you IF its clean installation. It has nothing to do with ControlNet so don't even bother looking. The only thing that come to my mind is to try to move whole SD folder into your Windows drive C:/ and check again.
Yes it is a clean install. I also have the DML version and everything works. I am trying to switch to Forge/Zluda as DML uses so much more Vram, and won't let it go. I agree it has nothing to do with controlnet. I think maybe it is the Zluda environment. Ima try a rebuild of that today and see what happens. Still open to any ideas though. I'll update if I find out anything.
Deleting the venv did not work...
This is wierd as I was pretty sure script loading is exacly the same no matter if you use Zluda or DML but it doesn't look like it and since i am not able to test Zluda right now i won't be much of a help here. I just wonder if anyone else had this issue while using Zluda because i have feeling it has something to do with paths managing in your environment. Either that or this extensions just won't work in ZLUDA environment. I suggest you to test some other extensions too. Also if you want to fix it faster try to find some instructions how to add some debugging info into your console so maybe it will show you some more info about the issue
Edit: I just got idea worth checking out. Try to move your sd-webui-reactor folder into extensions-builtin folder. Just for the science :D
If its not a big deal and i saw no one else posting this issue i will suggest you to completely uninstall whole python and make sure to delete all cache files left. Then install it again. This is to make sure this issue is not made by python itself. There is really nothing more i can suggest from the error itself. Its not enough info to work with.
So I have not yet deleted Python (but it's a comin). I am on 3.10.11 FYI. I have installed this for zluda and seperately for DML. With zluda everything works except for NF4 Flux models and the swap extensions. With DML same error on extensions and No FLUX works. With fp8 version (that works on zluda) error is: "[F] Invalid or unsupported data type Float8_e4m3fn." And then press any key to force it closed. If I try an NF4 version it says "error mat1 and mat2 something" (i've seen so many errors today i don't remember exactly) So that is just my update. Let yall know if I find more.
You should use python 3.10.6. This might be an issue
So a quick update. I deleted everything. Zluda, rocm, forge, python everything. Moved to the main drive (C:) Python 3.10.6 rocm 5.7 (all I can use, tried 6.1 my card is too old) Fresh Zluda, Fresh Forge install, same error. I did the same to the A1111-AMD (but I left it on the drive I want it on (D:), and it works great. No errors to speak of. So I am certian that it is not a Zluda thing, or an extension thing. So I have to think that it is either This particular Fork, or MY PC with This Fork. It may be notable that the built-in Spaces swap app will not work either, Install says it's fine, but on launch, after sometime (and downloading) it always throws an error about an unexpected argument "resume-download". Seems like a different error, but same type of extension... When reActor tries to install it seems to thow error about "albumentations" but I cannot tell if that is a real error or just part of ReActor's intsall-restart-install-restart process.
All this to say no real news, I dunno what else to try... But I am ready and willing to work the problem if there are any suggestions. Cheers!
So are we giving up on this problem then?
Thank you...
So are we giving up on this problem then?
Well... worst thing is this is the issue only you reported. No one else. It makes me believe you do something wrong during installation or something else but on the other hand you have no issues with A1111-AMD so you clearly know how to correctly install everything. What you suppose to do is to check how many extensions actually doesn't work or is it ONLY face swapping extensions because you didn't do much of testing yourself but you expect solutions. Do you know maybe how to check your python paths ? Check them as well and show screenshots.
Add: I like challenges so i looked at the issue with the fresh eye. I have few ideas to try if you still have this issue on the new version lets make experiment and add empty file
into problematic extensions script folder.
" add empty file" Brilliant and simple. But it did not work. It twas worth a try tho. So just about every other extension I have tried works, Adetailer, controlnet works, layer diffuseion, rembg, (I haven't tried a whole bunch...) but most work, unless it has to do with faceswapping. I have tried Live protrait, reActor, faceswaplab, and the forgeversion of faceswap lab, face fusion sd extension, the faceswap included within spaces. None of them work. I am certain Python is on path. 3.10.6 is my default version of python. (I use other versions inside vscode - cursor for different projects). I'll gladly share any screen shots you like, just tell me what ya wanna see... I have never had an issue with A1111 when it was DML. Nor the newer Zluda version. I can use FaceFusion as a standalone app. OR any of the listed faceswap extensions with A1111. It might be worth noting I cannot get them to work in Comfy either... I am not sure what else I should test that would be relevant, but I will.
I am sure this is totally a "my rig" issue, as I cannot find anyone else with the same actual issue, though I have tried some of the close issues fixes to no avail.
I try just about everything AI that comes out, and Short of some unbypassable cuda issues I am usually successful. That said, I would not call myself a pro, but I am pretty install/troubleshoot literate. But this one has me scratching my head. Anyhow, if your game to chase this rabbit down the hole I'll try whatever, share whatever, and give you something nice to FLEX about when we figure it out. LOL.
I am certain Python is on path. 3.10.6 is my default version of python.
I am not talking about python itself but i am talking about python paths of your environment. From the errors looks like it cry only about script files. It acts like they are not there so either it doesn't look at the folder they are in because it doesn't recognize folder as a scripts folder or maybe for some wierd reasons it gets wrong filenames for example it tries to find file named scripts.reactor_logger
when it suppose to look for reactor_logger
inside folder scripts
. This is what i get from those errors but whats killing my brain is a fact it only happens with faceswapping extensions.... It totally doesn't make any sense
You know what ? Launch SD and go into and you can share everything here. I want to compare it to what i have
"Platform": "Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0",
"Python": "3.10.6",
"Version": "f2.0.1v1.10.1-1.10.1",
"Commit": "93211db60a93840782454cf6f54a62bdc088a7bc",
"Git status": "On branch main\nYour branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.\n\nChanges not staged for commit:\n (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)\n (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)\n\tmodified: webui-user.bat\n\nUntracked files:\n (use \"git add <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)\n\t.zluda/\n\t1.14.0\n\t3.20.2\n\t4.8.0\n\tinsightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl\n\nno changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")",
"Script path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge",
"Data path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge",
"Extensions dir": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions",
"Checksum": "d0c066bc78cce3a4bb8980cf0149243b6152ad85915e2c0b909a3fa49a4b45a3",
"Commandline": [
"Torch env info": {
"torch_version": "2.3.1+cu118",
"is_debug_build": "False",
"cuda_compiled_version": "N/A",
"gcc_version": "(MinGW-W64 x86_64-msvcrt-posix-seh, built by Brecht Sanders) 13.1.0\r",
"clang_version": "17.0.0 ( 6e709f613348e5258188527d11ee8d78376f26b7)",
"cmake_version": "version 3.28.1",
"os": "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro",
"libc_version": "N/A",
"python_version": "3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)] (64-bit runtime)",
"python_platform": "Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0",
"is_cuda_available": "True",
"cuda_runtime_version": "11.8.89\r",
"cuda_module_loading": "LAZY",
"nvidia_driver_version": null,
"nvidia_gpu_models": "AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT [ZLUDA] (AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT [ZLUDA])",
"cudnn_version": null,
"pip_version": "pip3",
"pip_packages": [
"conda_packages": "",
"hip_compiled_version": "5.7",
"hip_runtime_version": "N/A",
"miopen_runtime_version": "N/A",
"caching_allocator_config": "",
"is_xnnpack_available": "True",
"cpu_info": [
"Name=AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor ",
"Exceptions": [
"exception": "No module named 'scripts.configure'",
"traceback": [
"D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\modules\\, line 525, load_scripts",
"script_module = script_loading.load_module(scriptfile.path)"
"D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\modules\\, line 13, load_module",
"<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>, line 883, exec_module",
"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>, line 241, _call_with_frames_removed",
"D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-forge-faceswaplab\\scripts\\, line 1, <module>",
"from scripts.configure import check_configuration"
"exception": "No module named 'scripts.faceswaplab_utils'",
"traceback": [
"D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\modules\\, line 525, load_scripts",
"script_module = script_loading.load_module(scriptfile.path)"
"D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\modules\\, line 13, load_module",
"<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>, line 883, exec_module",
"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>, line 241, _call_with_frames_removed",
"D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-forge-faceswaplab\\scripts\\, line 4, <module>",
"from scripts.faceswaplab_utils.faceswaplab_logging import logger"
"CPU": {
"model": "AMD64 Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD",
"count logical": 24,
"count physical": 12
"RAM": {
"total": "32GB",
"used": "12GB",
"free": "20GB"
"Extensions": [
"name": "sd-webui-forge-faceswaplab",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-forge-faceswaplab",
"commit": "55f9145ea8d761dba910bcf4c503d119c526ed9d",
"branch": "main",
"remote": ""
"name": "stable-diffusion-webui-rembg",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg",
"commit": "a4c07b857e73f3035f759876797fa6de986def3d",
"branch": "master",
"remote": ""
"Inactive extensions": [
"name": "adetailer",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\adetailer",
"commit": "03ec9d004ae2e7051506b3485a81c67d028d38e4",
"branch": "main",
"remote": ""
"name": "sd-forge-layerdiffuse",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-forge-layerdiffuse",
"commit": "b1e66511e3a405a9e671da0755fc5356e033e97f",
"branch": "main",
"remote": ""
"name": "sd-webui-cn-sam-preprocessor",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-cn-sam-preprocessor",
"commit": "88c25a98ff4c75307c0aa14a607e020c0816fd35",
"branch": "master",
"remote": ""
"name": "sd-webui-controlnet",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-controlnet",
"commit": "56cec5b2958edf3b1807b7e7b2b1b5186dbd2f81",
"branch": "main",
"remote": ""
"name": "sd-webui-live-portrait",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-live-portrait",
"commit": "65cbe8a15fb322c1cb80ae457e43b31ab464434d",
"branch": "main",
"remote": ""
"name": "sd-webui-reactor",
"path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\extensions\\sd-webui-reactor",
"commit": "4493fd7133ba85386cd332e8e61c389d122b7d7e",
"branch": "main",
"remote": ""
"Environment": {
"COMMANDLINE_ARGS": " --use-zluda --listen --api --port 7862 --enable-insecure-extension-access --skip-ort --autolaunch --ckpt-dir D:/Games/Stable/Ztable/stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu/models/Stable-diffusion --hypernetwork-dir D:/Games/Stable/Ztable/stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu/models/hypernetworks --embeddings-dir D:/Games/Stable/Ztable/stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu/embeddings --lora-dir D:/Games/Stable/Ztable/stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu/models/Lora",
"Config": {
"onnx_execution_provider": "CPUExecutionProvider",
"SCUNET_tile": 256,
"SCUNET_tile_overlap": 8,
"SWIN_tile": 192,
"SWIN_tile_overlap": 8,
"SWIN_torch_compile": false,
"control_net_detectedmap_dir": "detected_maps",
"control_net_models_path": "",
"control_net_modules_path": "",
"control_net_unit_count": 3,
"control_net_model_cache_size": 5,
"control_net_no_detectmap": false,
"control_net_detectmap_autosaving": false,
"control_net_allow_script_control": false,
"control_net_sync_field_args": true,
"controlnet_show_batch_images_in_ui": false,
"controlnet_increment_seed_during_batch": false,
"controlnet_disable_openpose_edit": false,
"controlnet_disable_photopea_edit": false,
"controlnet_photopea_warning": true,
"controlnet_input_thumbnail": true,
"forge_async_loading": "Queue",
"forge_inference_memory": 1024,
"forge_pin_shared_memory": "CPU",
"disabled_extensions": [
"disable_all_extensions": "none",
"sd_model_checkpoint": "fluxUnchainedBySCG_schnfuV13Unet4step.safetensors",
"forge_preset": "flux",
"sd_checkpoint_hash": "33f3aaac68f24123610216295f366bacce3d929d18906e003c89a2850d9a592a",
"outdir_samples": "",
"outdir_txt2img_samples": "outputs\\txt2img-images",
"outdir_img2img_samples": "outputs\\img2img-images",
"outdir_extras_samples": "outputs\\extras-images",
"outdir_grids": "",
"outdir_txt2img_grids": "outputs\\txt2img-grids",
"outdir_img2img_grids": "outputs\\img2img-grids",
"outdir_save": "log\\images",
"outdir_init_images": "outputs\\init-images",
"onnx_cached_models_path": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\models\\ONNX\\cache",
"onnx_temp_dir": "D:\\Games\\Forge\\stable-diffusion-webui-amdgpu-forge\\models\\ONNX\\temp",
"samples_save": true,
"samples_format": "png",
"samples_filename_pattern": "",
"save_images_add_number": true,
"save_images_replace_action": "Replace",
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"use_upscaler_name_as_suffix": false,
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"save_write_log_csv": true,
"save_init_img": false,
"temp_dir": "",
"clean_temp_dir_at_start": false,
"save_incomplete_images": false,
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"grid_save_to_dirs": true,
"use_save_to_dirs_for_ui": false,
"directories_filename_pattern": "[date]",
"directories_max_prompt_words": 8,
"forge_try_reproduce": "None",
"auto_backcompat": true,
"use_old_emphasis_implementation": false,
"use_old_karras_scheduler_sigmas": false,
"no_dpmpp_sde_batch_determinism": false,
"use_old_hires_fix_width_height": false,
"hires_fix_use_firstpass_conds": false,
"use_old_scheduling": false,
"use_downcasted_alpha_bar": false,
"refiner_switch_by_sample_steps": false,
"lora_functional": false,
"extra_networks_show_hidden_directories": true,
"extra_networks_dir_button_function": false,
"extra_networks_hidden_models": "When searched",
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"extra_networks_add_text_separator": " ",
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"textual_inversion_add_hashes_to_infotext": true,
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"lora_bundled_ti_to_infotext": true,
"lora_filter_disabled": true,
"lora_hide_unknown_for_versions": [],
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"lora_not_found_warning_console": false,
"lora_not_found_gradio_warning": false,
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"diffusers_pipeline": "ONNX Stable Diffusion",
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"olive_enable": false,
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"olive_static_dims": true,
"olive_cache_optimized": true,
"cross_attention_optimization": "Automatic",
"s_min_uncond": 0,
"s_min_uncond_all": false,
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"pad_cond_uncond_v0": false,
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"directml_memory_provider": "Performance Counter",
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"eta_ancestral": 1,
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"s_tmin": 0,
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"rho": 0,
"eta_noise_seed_delta": 0,
"always_discard_next_to_last_sigma": false,
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"beta_dist_alpha": 0.6,
"beta_dist_beta": 0.6,
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"sd_checkpoints_keep_in_cpu": true,
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"sd_unet": "Automatic",
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"emphasis": "Original",
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"comma_padding_backtrack": 20,
"sdxl_clip_l_skip": false,
"CLIP_stop_at_last_layers": 1,
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"randn_source": "NV",
"tiling": false,
"hires_fix_refiner_pass": "second pass",
"enable_prompt_comments": true,
"sd3_enable_t5": false,
"sdxl_crop_top": 0,
"sdxl_crop_left": 0,
"sdxl_refiner_low_aesthetic_score": 2.5,
"sdxl_refiner_high_aesthetic_score": 6,
"sd_vae_checkpoint_cache": 0,
"sd_vae": "Automatic",
"sd_vae_overrides_per_model_preferences": true,
"auto_vae_precision_bfloat16": false,
"auto_vae_precision": true,
"sd_vae_encode_method": "Full",
"sd_vae_decode_method": "Full",
"inpainting_mask_weight": 1,
"initial_noise_multiplier": 1,
"img2img_extra_noise": 0,
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"return_mask": false,
"return_mask_composite": false,
"img2img_batch_show_results_limit": 32,
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"do_not_show_images": false,
"js_modal_lightbox": true,
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"sd_webui_modal_lightbox_icon_opacity": 1,
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"gallery_height": "",
"open_dir_button_choice": "Subdirectory",
"enable_pnginfo": true,
"save_txt": false,
"add_model_name_to_info": true,
"add_model_hash_to_info": true,
"add_vae_name_to_info": true,
"add_vae_hash_to_info": true,
"add_user_name_to_info": false,
"add_version_to_infotext": true,
"disable_weights_auto_swap": true,
"infotext_skip_pasting": [],
"infotext_styles": "Apply if any",
"show_progressbar": true,
"live_previews_enable": true,
"live_previews_image_format": "png",
"show_progress_grid": true,
"show_progress_every_n_steps": 10,
"show_progress_type": "Approx NN",
"live_preview_allow_lowvram_full": false,
"live_preview_content": "Prompt",
"live_preview_refresh_period": 1000,
"live_preview_fast_interrupt": false,
"js_live_preview_in_modal_lightbox": false,
"prevent_screen_sleep_during_generation": true,
"keyedit_precision_attention": 0.1,
"keyedit_precision_extra": 0.05,
"keyedit_delimiters": ".,\\/!?%^*;:{}=`~() ",
"keyedit_delimiters_whitespace": [
"Carriage Return",
"Line Feed"
"keyedit_move": true,
"disable_token_counters": false,
"include_styles_into_token_counters": true,
"extra_options_txt2img": [],
"extra_options_img2img": [],
"extra_options_cols": 1,
"extra_options_accordion": false,
"compact_prompt_box": false,
"samplers_in_dropdown": true,
"dimensions_and_batch_together": true,
"sd_checkpoint_dropdown_use_short": false,
"hires_fix_show_sampler": false,
"hires_fix_show_prompts": false,
"txt2img_settings_accordion": false,
"img2img_settings_accordion": false,
"interrupt_after_current": true,
"localization": "None",
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"flux_t2i_sampler": "[Forge] Flux Realistic",
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"flux_i2i_sampler": "[Forge] Flux Realistic",
"flux_i2i_scheduler": "Simple",
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"xl_t2i_scheduler": "Karras",
"xl_i2i_sampler": "DPM++ 2M SDE",
"xl_i2i_scheduler": "Karras"
"Startup": {
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"prepare environment/checks": 0.02200174331665039,
"prepare environment/git version info": 0.0579986572265625,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/forge_preprocessor_revision": 0.0,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/forge_space_florence_2": 0.0,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/forge_space_iclight": 0.0010004043579101562,
"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/forge_space_idm_vton": 0.0,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/forge_space_sapiens_normal": 0.0,
"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/prompt-bracket-checker": 0.0,
"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/ScuNET": 0.0,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/sd_forge_controlnet": 0.4780001640319824,
"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/sd_forge_dynamic_thresholding": 0.0,
"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/sd_forge_fooocus_inpaint": 0.0010008811950683594,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/sd_forge_lora": 0.0,
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"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/sd_forge_stylealign": 0.0,
"prepare environment/run extensions_builtin installers/SwinIR": 0.0,
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"app_started_callback/": 0.0010001659393310547,
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"app_started_callback": 0.007999897003173828
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"clip @",
"depth_anything @",
"depth_anything_v2 @",
"dsine @",
"handrefinerportable @",
That's what we get...
"nvidia_gpu_models": "AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT [ZLUDA] (AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT [ZLUDA])", "cudnn_version": null,
In searching this error all over the electric inter-webs, for both this and comfy, "cudnn" was often mentioned. I don't think I was cleaver enough to follow that bread crumb... as I have no idea what that is, I assume it's cuda related. It just kinda popped out at me as I was reading over the sys info...
You don't need cudnn. Whats more interesting is why its showing in Git Status this files .zluda/\n\t1.14.0\n\t3.20.2\n\t4.8.0\n\tinsightface-0.7.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
like there was some changes to them especially insightface which is for faceswapping
2nd thing is you never said you using API. I never used SD with API so its out of me league. I don't even know what command --enable-insecure-extension-access is for.
Honestly I am not sure about the insecure extension either. It was something i picked up along the way, and tried, clearly didn't work. The api is irrelevant. When forge starts it wont load those extensions. I am not really using the api (I am on a1111) and would on this if the swapski would work. I am curious about the insightface too... any suggestions on what to do about it?
I am going to sleep now but you can try to reinstall Insightface. Make sure you will clear Python cached packages too from %appdata%. I am sure you can google how to do it
So are we giving up on this problem then?
Well... worst thing is this is the issue only you reported. No one else. It makes me believe you do something wrong during installation or something else but on the other hand you have no issues with A1111-AMD so you clearly know how to correctly install everything. What you suppose to do is to check how many extensions actually doesn't work or is it ONLY face swapping extensions because you didn't do much of testing yourself but you expect solutions. Do you know maybe how to check your python paths ? Check them as well and show screenshots.
Add: I like challenges so i looked at the issue with the fresh eye. I have few ideas to try if you still have this issue on the new version lets make experiment and add empty file into problematic extensions script folder.
So are we giving up on this problem then?
Well... worst thing is this is the issue only you reported. No one else. It makes me believe you do something wrong during installation or something else but on the other hand you have no issues with A1111-AMD so you clearly know how to correctly install everything. What you suppose to do is to check how many extensions actually doesn't work or is it ONLY face swapping extensions because you didn't do much of testing yourself but you expect solutions. Do you know maybe how to check your python paths ? Check them as well and show screenshots.
Add: I like challenges so i looked at the issue with the fresh eye. I have few ideas to try if you still have this issue on the new version lets make experiment and add empty file
into problematic extensions script folder.
I actually ran into the same problem but didn't report it, my python version is 3.10.14 and I'm going to reinstall my windows system and just install 3.10.6 again and see if there's any problems.
I reinstalled my system today, windows 11 version 24H2, python version 3.10.6, Rocm version 6.1.2, run it with Zluda, stable diffusion was reinstalled, and the error reporting problem appeared as shown here:
I reinstalled my system today, windows 11 version 24H2, python version 3.10.6, Rocm version 6.1.2, run it with Zluda, stable diffusion was reinstalled, and the error reporting problem appeared as shown here:
Doesn't look like its connected to the error you have. There is even solution written in your error pip install 'accelerate>=0.26.0'
I reinstalled my system today, windows 11 version 24H2, python version 3.10.6, Rocm version 6.1.2, run it with Zluda, stable diffusion was reinstalled, and the error reporting problem appeared as shown here:
Doesn't look like its connected to the error you have. There is even solution written in your error
pip install 'accelerate>=0.26.0'
After modifying the requirements_versions.txt in the main directory, the update was successful, but a new error appeared and it still doesn't work, the error is as follows: TypeError: get_model_file() got an unexpected keyword argument 'resume download'
So, the mention of insightface in the sys info was due my having put it in the Forge root dir, based on the troubleshoot for ReActor. Clearly that did not help. I totally wiped insightface and rebuilt it. No change. A111 having no issue with insightface. So I am not sure that is the issue... I get the same error as above 'resume_download' when trying to use photomake in spaces. I would also believe that it is not an ROCM thing as I am on 5.7 and BigWinBoy just said he is on 6.1. So we are narrowing at the least.
Yeah but this error above with photo maker is another issue that i can cofirm i also have so it needs another issue to be open. Its different and not relevant error.
So, the mention of insightface in the sys info was due my having put it in the Forge root dir, based on the troubleshoot for ReActor. Clearly that did not help. I totally wiped insightface and rebuilt it. No change. A111 having no issue with insightface. So I am not sure that is the issue... I get the same error as above 'resume_download' when trying to use photomake in spaces. I would also believe that it is not an ROCM thing as I am on 5.7 and BigWinBoy just said he is on 6.1. So we are narrowing at the least.
Is your version of torch 2.3.0+cu118?When I installed python 3.10.14 before, I downloaded torch 2.3.0, but after replacing it with python 3.10.6 the version I downloaded is torch 2.3.1, what is the impact of the difference?
Is your version of torch 2.3.0+cu118?When I installed python 3.10.14 before, I downloaded torch 2.3.0, but after replacing it with python 3.10.6 the version I downloaded is torch 2.3.1, what is the impact of the difference?
In this case I don't think there is a difference as far as torch goes. I have tried both, and don't see any difference. Typically the version is mostly about dependencies, in this case I do not see any difference, certainly not relevant to this error.
So, just to confirm @TheFerumn You have the same resume download error, for Spaces photomaker, but you can use The swaping extensions? Which do you use? I'll swithch my testing to whatever extension you have working. (just to keep things the same, uniform.)
swaping extensions
swaping extensions? Do you mean extensions like swap face? This type of requirement I solve with ControlNet Integrated's Instant-ID. Also of the Spaces extensions other than PhotoMaker I've only used IC-Light, is working fine, I haven't tested the others.
So, just to confirm @TheFerumn You have the same resume download error, for Spaces photomaker, but you can use The swaping extensions? Which do you use? I'll swithch my testing to whatever extension you have working. (just to keep things the same, uniform.)
I have working ReActor and also IP-Adapter from ControlNet. Both works without issue. I just changed something in Reactor code because i couldn't swap tab to use face model.
I am out of ideas about Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
. I would probably need remote access to your PC for few hours to find solution so i give up and wish you good luck.
Alright, big update this morning. With the update to this and A1111 this morning, both of them broke with an error regarding missing keras.init . Starting with Forge I deleted the venv and re-ran the program with one of the swap extensions still in extensions (FaceSwapLab) AND IT WORKS!!!! We are swapping faces in Forge now!! JACKPOT!! Forge is now literally 4 times slower, at best. Before this I was doing Schnell gen 4 steps in about a 1 min. 1.03... Now we are 4 mins easy, but we are still using GPU. (Way more ram usage too...) But whatever, as far as this issue is concerned Problem solved. I hate to say case closed, as I still dunno what was wrong, but this issue is now solved. Thanks for all efforts and help digging. I also deleted the venv in A111 but it is not coming back, now it says AutoModelForImageToImage' from 'transformers'
. I'll start an issue over there if it still wants to be a doodoo after I try a bit harder.
I am not sure if playing with AI is more fun, or the dective work regarding what I just broke, but it's like Christmas everytime something broken starts working!!
Alright, big update this morning. With the update to this and A1111 this morning, both of them broke with an error regarding missing keras.init . Starting with Forge I deleted the venv and re-ran the program with one of the swap extensions still in extensions (FaceSwapLab) AND IT WORKS!!!! We are swapping faces in Forge now!! JACKPOT!! Forge is now literally 4 times slower, at best. Before this I was doing Schnell gen 4 steps in about a 1 min. 1.03... Now we are 4 mins easy, but we are still using GPU. (Way more ram usage too...) But whatever, as far as this issue is concerned Problem solved. I hate to say case closed, as I still dunno what was wrong, but this issue is now solved. Thanks for all efforts and help digging. I also deleted the venv in A111 but it is not coming back, now it says
AutoModelForImageToImage' from 'transformers'
. I'll start an issue over there if it still wants to be a doodoo after I try a bit harder. I am not sure if playing with AI is more fun, or the dective work regarding what I just broke, but it's like Christmas everytime something broken starts working!!
You mean delete the VENV folder and run it again? What is the exact procedure? Please explain.
You mean delete the VENV folder and run it again? What is the exact procedure? Please explain.
Yes I mean exactly that. Delete the venv folder. Run webui-user.bat. It will re-install a fresh venv. Takes a few minutes, but resolves errors after updates for me often. It still has not with A111 for me... But that's a different story.
So I am not sure how to close this, but everything is working well now. Thanks for all the help!!
So I am not sure how to close this, but everything is working well now. Thanks for all the help!!
I have also solved the problem and run it successfully, I found the solution from photomaker's posting, in fact, it is caused by the version of some support libraries, the solution is also to modify the requirements_versions txt file:
accelerate>=0.26.0 diffusers==0.29.1
According to modify the above parameters, delete the venv folder and restart the installation, successfully open Photomarker V2 in the SD spaces.
First and foremost, thank you to @lshqqytiger for all you do, I have been using your DML version of SD for some time now. I have tried switching to Forge, but...
I am on windows 10. Rx5700XT, using zluda.
If I try to install or load any extension for face-swaps I get an error stating all sorts of modules don't exist (spoiler, They do). The results are the same with FaceSwap, Reactor, and Roop. I did install LayerDiffusion with no issue, and it seems to work fine. (I have not tried any other extensions)
It all seems to start at the ControlNetPreprocessor... But I don't know how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have also tried using Flux. It works in Comfy, but when I try the same model/s within forge I get an error stating "You do not have Clip Dict" This happens with Schnell and Dev on the FP8 model. (I tried NF4 too, but I believe there is a zluda issue there, comfy pushes the same error about "Symbol" and bitsandbytes).
Again any help on either of these issues would be incredible.