lsmith / yui3

YUI 3.x Source Tree
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fix #2533227 - Datatable sort descending is actually ascending #37

Closed marclundgren closed 11 years ago

marclundgren commented 11 years ago

Hope this is the correct fix!!


lsmith commented 11 years ago

Marc, this PR is incorrect. It's pointed to my repo, at the master branch, and contains tons of commits.

What you want to do is:

  1. fetch branches from the yui/yui3 repo, not my personal fork. I use a remote called 'upstream' for yui/yui3.
  2. create and checkout a branch from (and optionally tracks) upstream/dev-3.x
  3. make the changes in that branch
  4. push your changes to your github fork
  5. issue a pull request from your branch in your gh fork against the dev-3.x branch of the yui/yui3 repo

The PR should contain only 1 or the few commits you made to fix the issue, not 250+ :)

Closing this one.

marclundgren commented 11 years ago

Thank you Luke. I think I got it: