lsmith / yui3

YUI 3.x Source Tree
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Scrolling DataTable #8

Closed lsmith closed 12 years ago

lsmith commented 12 years ago

Class extension (auto-mix()ed with default disabling scrolling?) or subclass? If subclass, subclass of Y.DataTable.Base or Y.DataTable? Or new class Base.create()ed from Y.DataTable.Core?

Should add additional/override logic for the height and width attributes to expand the table to those dimensions. Optionally, add an attribute scrollable with available values:

I want a smarter scrolling DT that renders a single table if the data rows don't go beyond the configured height/width and can swap the single table with a split table implementation while preserving the <thead> and <tbody> in response to data changes or height/width changes.

Column width syncing should be done much like it is today, but don't use stylesheets unless necessary.

  1. Remove the width styles from the header table, body table, all columns in the header, and the first row of data cells.
  2. Apply fixed widths to both header cell and body table cell (see caveats) for columns configured with widths
  3. Iterate the remaining columns, applying the greater of the two widths to both header and body cells.
