When the function was first created, the main use case was to label columns in a gt table. Hence, the function returned a named character vector where the names are a combination of the variable name in Designer and of the values.
c(s07Bq02_cereales__1 = "Riz local type 1", s07Bq02_cereales__2 = "Riz local type 2",
s07Bq02_cereales__3 = "Riz importé 1", s07Bq02_cereales__4 = "Riz importé 2",
s07Bq02_cereales__5 = "Riz importé 3", s07Bq02_cereales__6 = "Maïs en épi",
s07Bq02_cereales__7 = "Maïs en grain", s07Bq02_cereales__8 = "Mil",
s07Bq02_cereales__9 = "Sorgho", s07Bq02_cereales__10 = "Blé",
s07Bq02_cereales__11 = "Fonio", s07Bq02_cereales__12 = "Autres céréales",
s07Bq02_cereales__13 = "Farine de maïs", s07Bq02_cereales__14 = "semoule de mais",
s07Bq02_cereales__15 = "Farine de mil", s07Bq02_cereales__16 = "Semoule de mil",
s07Bq02_cereales__17 = "Farine de blé locale ou importée",
s07Bq02_cereales__18 = "Semoule de blé", s07Bq02_cereales__19 = "Autres farines de céréales",
s07Bq02_cereales__20 = "Autres semoules de céréales", s07Bq02_cereales__21 = "Macaroni",
s07Bq02_cereales__22 = "Spaghettis", s07Bq02_cereales__23 = "Autres pâtes alimentaires",
s07Bq02_cereales__24 = "Pain moderne type 1", s07Bq02_cereales__25 = "Pain moderne type 2",
s07Bq02_cereales__26 = "Pain traditionnel type 1", s07Bq02_cereales__27 = "Pains traditionnel type 2",
s07Bq02_cereales__28 = "Céréales de petit déjeuner", s07Bq02_cereales__29 = "Croissants",
s07Bq02_cereales__30 = "Biscuits", s07Bq02_cereales__31 = "Gâteaux",
s07Bq02_cereales__32 = "Beignets, galettes")
But another important use case is to return the value labels in the form for labelling with {haven}, {labelled}, etc.
To have the same function provide a return value in a different form, add a parameter to specify the desired form, with the more frequent use case potentially being default value.
When the function was first created, the main use case was to label columns in a gt table. Hence, the function returned a named character vector where the names are a combination of the variable name in Designer and of the values.
But another important use case is to return the value labels in the form for labelling with
, etc.To have the same function provide a return value in a different form, add a parameter to specify the desired form, with the more frequent use case potentially being default value.