lsochanowski / GoHeishaMon

port of to golang to run directly on CZ-TAW1
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Problem connecting through Ethernet after flashing #22

Closed robin171 closed 2 years ago

robin171 commented 2 years ago


I hope you help me with getting my CZ-TAW1 up and running with Heishamon. I cannot connect to it via MQTT. What I have done:

  1. Connected CZ-TAW1 to Aquarea Smart Cloud via LAN/Ethernet --> working
  2. Downloaded .bin files of version 1.0.166 of the default branch
  3. Copied the files to an USB stick with an additional txt file "" with the following contents:

Readonly=true Device="/dev/ttyUSB0" Loghex=true ReadInterval=1 Aquarea2mqttCompatible=false Aquarea2mqttPumpID="" Mqtt_topic_base="panasonic_heat_pump/main" Mqtt_set_base="panasonic_heat_pump/commands" ForceRefreshTime=300 MqttServer="" MqttPort="1883" MqttLogin="" MqttPass="" SleepAfterCommand=1 MqttClientID="GoHeishaMon-pub" MqttKeepalive=60 EnableCommand=true HAAutoDiscover=true

  1. inserted the USB drive into the CZ-TAW1 and pressed the 3 buttons for 10 seconds until the middle LED starts flashing green / red / blue
  2. Waited until the white LED was on and off again and removed the USB drive

It seems the proces of installing new firmware was successful, but unfortunately I cannot connect to MQTT. The top LED is green, middle white and bottom blinking green. In the DHCP table of my router I can see an IP adress is assigned to the module. I have tried a double reset, but also no success. I try to connect with Openhab3 and I have tried a MQTT test tool for Windows. I use no encryption, port 1883.

I'm lost, can anyone help me?



MiG-41 commented 2 years ago

You have wrong IP adres of MQTT server , for sure it is not ( this adres would be correct , if MQTT server would be on CZ-TAW1 together with GoHeishamon , but there is not).

robin171 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply!

I was thinking the wrong way around, the CZ-TAW1 being the server. It works now!