lsochanowski / GoHeishaMon

port of to golang to run directly on CZ-TAW1
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Can't install #24

Open sabatpoznan opened 2 years ago

sabatpoznan commented 2 years ago


I have files listed below on pendrive (FAT32 - tied 6 different):

openwrt-ar71xx-generic-cus531-16M-rootfs-squashfs.bin openwrt-ar71xx-generic-cus531-16M-kernel.bin

eadonly=true Device="/dev/ttyUSB0" Loghex=true ReadInterval=1 Aquarea2mqttCompatible=false Aquarea2mqttPumpID="B0***-*****" Mqtt_topic_base="panasonic_heat_pump/main" Mqtt_set_base="panasonic_heat_pump/commands" ForceRefreshTime=300 MqttServer="1**.***.**.***" MqttPort="1883" MqttLogin="******" MqttPass="******" SleepAfterCommand=1 MqttClientID="GoHeishaMon-pub" MqttKeepalive=60 EnableCommand=true HAAutoDiscover=true

After 10-15s of pressing 3 buttons on TAW-CZ1 and middle led is changing colours, after a while it goes beak to blue and than starts flashing.

What am I doing wrong?

adnovea commented 1 year ago

Hi, Installation hangs with center LED steady white

Everything goes well until CA-TAW1B reboot and the center LED lights white for ever. After 5 mins, I removed the USB stick. I can ping and connect the module using LuCI but neither MQTT nor SSH works. It seems there is a configuration file issue, so I converted the text file into UTF-8 just in case but w/o change.

I run Home Assistant on a RPi at IP: with Mosquitto broker and MQTT integration module. My config is :

Aquarea2mqttPumpID="XXXXX-XXXXX"   <-- Is the module ID required because sometimes I read that it should be left blank

Thanks for your help

adnovea commented 1 year ago

[SOLVED with CZ-TAW1B module v04.03.01_007]

Many thanks to lsochanowski for the great job achieved.

I solved my GHM Version problem using the post My CZ-TAW1B runs with the GoHeishaMon 1.1.191z166 version but not with the 1.0.166.

After depressing the 3 buttons more than 10 secs, the update starts and takes about 3 mins 
then the module reboot. When the LEDs were as described below, I removed the USB stick.
  POWER :  steady green
  STATUS : steady white 
  LINK :   slowly blink

STATUS ==> I got the MQQT and LuCI but no SSH working

I tried to enable SSH doing these steps:

  1. EnableCommand=true in
  2. Publish topic "panasonic_heat_pump/commands/OSCommand (_topic "panasonic_heatpump/OSCommand" as mentioned in the post does not work)
  3. Send one by one the 3 values: "umount /overlay" , "jffs2reset -y" and finally "reboot".

I left the USB drive with the configuration file in order to reload the config at reboot. It worked because I modified the MQQT ReadInterval and confirmed the change.

For the 3 values above, _panasonic_heatpump/commands/OSCommand/out returns respectively:

out = -
out = /dev/mtdblock3 is not mounted, erasing it erasing 0 10000 erasing 10000 10000 erasing 20000 10000 erasing 30000 10000 erasing 40000 10000 erasing 50000 10000 erasing 60000 10000 erasing 70000 10000 -
out = - 

STATUS ==> I still have the MQTT but lost LuCI and SSH is not working.

I have issued some Linux commands using the OS topic to tackle this issue but everything seems ok :

netstat -p -l -t
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name    
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      16569/uhttpd
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      1593/dropbear
tcp        0      0 :::ssh                  :::*                    LISTEN      1593/dropbear

I solved my SSH problem in this post.

A4urs commented 12 months ago

Hi, I also have a problem with installation. I tried instaling latest relase and relase linked for newer hardware in instalation instructions. Before doing anything led’s status: T:Green M:Blue B:None During pressing 3 buttons for ~10s T:G M:B B:None After pressing buttons for about 10s: T:Green M:Blinking blue B:None What may I be doing wrong? Note: I havent connected Wi-Fi or ethernet to modlue but I don’t think that it would affect instalation.