lsochanowski / GoHeishaMon

port of to golang to run directly on CZ-TAW1
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No Link Read only #41

Open faebsche91 opened 2 months ago

faebsche91 commented 2 months ago

Hello I have installed goheishamon on a CZ-TAW1. The integration on HA worked perfectly. However, I can only read the parameters and not change them. The link LED does not light up on the CZ-TAW1, only when I switch to the Aquarea Cloud software.

faebsche91 commented 2 months ago

here is my config Readonly=true Device="/dev/ttyUSB0" Loghex=true ReadInterval=3 Aquarea2mqttCompatible=false Aquarea2mqttPumpID="" Mqtt_topic_base="panasonic_heat_pump" Mqtt_set_base="panasonic_heat_pump/commands" ForceRefreshTime=300 MqttServer="homeassistant" MqttPort="1883" MqttLogin="mqtt-user" MqttPass="" SleepAfterCommand=1 MqttClientID="GoHeishaMon-pub" MqttKeepalive=60 EnableCommand=true HAAutoDiscover=true