Closed Dario82 closed 4 years ago
In web browser you should put ip address of CZ-TAW1 ,and luci should apear.
I do it! I have SSH only... MQTT ok.
Please try 1.0.134 realease , this one tested. Don't put dropbear file to drive (ssh is already included). To test i ,go back first to SmartCloud ( simplest way to press three buttons ,when GoHeisha works and the other "side" with Smart Cloud strart). And then put 1.0.134 realease to drive ( optionally with config file). And look.
Only (release v. 1.0.134):
on the drive?
yes. BTW , you are not loosing much , becouse in luci you can only set a wireless comunication max , but it is courious ,why you don't have it...
Must I add a "EnableCommand=true" on config?
you can . Probably it is not a must , but i'm not sure.
I've pressed 3 button on the same time... nothing... How I can return to original firmware?
GoHeishaMon should be active when you press buttons. ( color of diode will be changed to veryfy it ). You can do it manually in ssh giving commands: fwupdate sw reboot
Now... I don't have SSH, MQTT, WEB...
you should wait some minutes for ssh. Is the middle LED have the white color ?
The middle led is white. I can only ping my device. But, how this device can connect to my wlan without password? It uses the configuration in other side of original firmware?
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused ...nothing...
Yes , the settings are generally identical for booth sides. If LED is white ,then something is wrong with config file and conigurations ( GoHeishaMon starts , and stops).
I've restarted the pump, on / off. Now I have MQTT (data sent ok) but I don't have luci and ssh. But I see a ESPxxxx Wifi, is it normal?
ESPxxx WiFi is not normal , but i doupt is comming from CZ-TAW1. Maybe you have somwhere such device ESP8266 or ESP32 ,with is additionally sending it ? In my small project i had same , used ESP8266 ,connecting to my router , but in the same time ESP8266 generate some ESPxxxnetwork , like here
This is strange ,why ssh and web i have , and you don't....
When you have "EnableCommand=true" , can you listen topic in mqtt "panasonic_heat_pump/OSCommand/out" ( i.e. via mosquitto_sub) , and then send to topic "panasonic_heat_pump/OSCommand" command like "uptime" or "ls /tmp" to see if it works ?
Can you join to Slack communication , given in in Heishamon project : would be easier to discuss
i think it was resolved in newest version ssh will work without configuring over mqtt
Hello, I've upgrade with your firmware but I have only ssh... How to connect to luci?
Thank you.