//the following statement will bind A0 and A2; A1 will be excluded due to IExclude<>
.SelectAllWithOpenGeneric<IA<object, object>>() //generic arguments 'object' means NOTHING! it will be removed by Dpdt, so IA<object, object> will be transformed into IA<,> (open generic)
.ExcludeAllWithOpenGeneric<IExclude<object, object>>() //again, 'object' means nothing, as above
we may want to add an additional constraints for conventional search:
//the following statement will bind A0 and A2; A1 will be excluded due to IExclude<>
.SelectAllWithOpenGeneric<IA<object, object>>() //generic arguments 'object' means NOTHING! it will be removed by Dpdt, so IA<object, object> will be transformed into IA<,> (open generic)
.ApplyGenericConstraintChildAt<1, SomeClass>() //applies a generic constraint at second generic parameter IA<,here> to be derived from SomeClass; so IA<,> transformed to IA<,any child of SomeClass>
//ApplyGenericConstraintChildAt applied to the previous SelectAllWithOpenGeneric declaration
.ExcludeAllWithOpenGeneric<IExclude<object, object>>() //again, 'object' means nothing, as above
.ApplyGenericConstraintChildOrItselfAt<0, ExcludedClass>() //applies a generic constraint at first generic parameter IExclude<here,> to be derived from ExcludedClass; so IExclude<,> transformed to IExclude<any child of ExcludedClass or itself,>
//new constraints:
now we have:
we may want to add an additional constraints for conventional search: