lspitzner / pqueue

Haskell priority queue package
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Make sure we're not building unnecessarily large dictionaries #55

Open treeowl opened 2 years ago

treeowl commented 2 years ago

Things like traversals and (especially) folds can easily get out of hand with nonregular types. We should make sure they don't.

konsumlamm commented 2 years ago

Can you elaborate a bit? What dictionaries exactly are you talking about and why could they get unnecessarily large?

treeowl commented 2 years ago

I need to review the code to see if there's actually an issue or not. Instances for non-regular types are often recursive. It's possible, for example, to have foldMap for T t invoke foldMap for T (Succ T). This means that each step in the recursion potentially risks building a whole Foldable dictionary just to pluck out its foldMap. Where that's an issue, it can be solved by either passing a function (instead of using a class constraint) or using a custom single-method class. Again: I don't know if we have an issue here; I just want to check.

treeowl commented 2 years ago

I believe that the unordered folds and traversals actually have this problem, though I haven't pored over the Core to be sure. We can fix it easily using some extra classes like FoldrU and FoldlU.

treeowl commented 2 years ago

Confirmed. When I compile with -ddump-simpl and dig into the guts of foldrU, it eventually leads me to foldr for BinomForest. Cleaned up just a little bit, it looks like this:

  :: forall (rk :: * -> *).
     Foldable rk =>
     forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BinomForest rk a -> b
  = \ (@ (rk_XpVJ :: * -> *))
      ($dFoldable1_XpVL :: Foldable rk_XpVJ)
      (@ a_apR9)
      (@ b_apRa) ->
      let {
        $dFoldable2_sqPe :: Foldable (Succ rk_XpVJ)
          = Data.PQueue.Internals.$fFoldableSucc
              @ rk_XpVJ $dFoldable1_XpVL } in
      let {
          :: (a_apR9 -> b_apRa -> b_apRa)
             -> b_apRa -> BinomForest (Succ rk_XpVJ) a_apR9 -> b_apRa
          = Data.PQueue.Internals.$fFoldableBinomForest_$cfoldr
              @ (Succ rk_XpVJ) $dFoldable2_sqPe @ a_apR9 @ b_apRa } in
      \ (ds_dqm2 :: a_apR9 -> b_apRa -> b_apRa)
        (z_aoQJ :: b_apRa)
        (ds1_dqm3 :: BinomForest rk_XpVJ a_apR9) ->
        case ds1_dqm3 of {
          Nil -> z_aoQJ;
          Skip tss_aoQM -> lvl20_ssZO ds_dqm2 z_aoQJ tss_aoQM;
          Cons dt_dqoQ dt1_dqoR tss_aoQQ ->
                 @ rk_XpVJ
                 @ a_apR9
                 @ b_apRa
                 (lvl20_ssZO ds_dqm2 z_aoQJ tss_aoQQ)
end Rec }

The problem is that first let expression. Each recursive call constructs a full Foldable dictionary, with all its many methods, to pass on. That's 100% a waste of time and allocation, so we definitely don't want that.

konsumlamm commented 2 years ago

@treeowl has this been fixed or is there anything left to do? As far as I can tell, all the folds now use the classes from Data.PQueue.Internals.Foldable, which only have a single method each.

konsumlamm commented 1 year ago

@treeowl just a reminder, could you check if there's anything left to do here?

treeowl commented 1 year ago

Yes, I'll try. You're also welcome to give it a shot if you're faster.

treeowl commented 1 year ago

We should check the Core for unordered traversals and (therefore) maps. Currently, NFData only has one method, so that should be fine for now—though I'm starting to push to add a second one. I don't remember any other such situations.

treeowl commented 1 year ago

I'm not seeing any further problems of this shape at the moment, per se. However, I wonder if we'd be better off caching the constructed closures. Something like

data FoldMaps m rk k a = FM
  { foo :: BinomTree rk k a -> m
  , bar :: BinomForest rk k a -> m
  , baz :: rk k a -> m
  , more :: FoldMaps m (Succ rk) k a

The idea is to cut the number of closures from $O(n)$ to $O(\log n)$. This is not a new idea, nor my own, but I don't know how much it's been explored in this context.

A completely different approach would be to reimagine these operations from the ground up, in terms of repeated decrement. Decrement is a bit like minView(WithKey), but with the dramatically simplifying (and very dramatically optimizing) assumption that the first binomial tree holds the minimum. Allocations with this approach are likely at least as high as in the current code, but it should avoid the jumps to unknown addresses.