Closed taro-bot[bot] closed 5 years ago
上周有 2 个新 issue。 2 个 issue 已经被关闭,0 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
:heart: #48 feat(home): 首页新增搜索, by lsqy :heart: #47 feat(core): temporarily remove other features, by lsqy
上周有 2 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周 merge 了 2 个 pull request:
:purple_heart: #48 feat(home): 首页新增搜索, by lsqy :purple_heart: #47 feat(core): temporarily remove other features, by lsqy
上周共有 4 个 提交:
:hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #48 from lsqy/dev by lsqy :hammer_and_wrench: feat(home): 首页新增搜索 by lsqy :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #47 from lsqy/dev by lsqy :hammer_and_wrench: feat(core): temporarily remove other features by lsqy
上周共有 1 名独立贡献者:
:bust_in_silhouette: lsqy
上周获得了 21 个 star。它们分别来自于:
:star: gerainlotZS | :star: pkmq24 | :star: Deeyu | :star: Harsin1 | :star: leechaouser | :star: Clearives | :star: changwk | :star: VonJie | :star: chrisdeo | :star: qige2016 | :star: YunlongYang | :star: lulinha | :star: 348086239 | :star: ljjrhm | :star: Keraun | :star: wubaiqing | :star: Evandoz | :star: xiangyuisabatman | :star: Logistic98 | :star: chris-fung | :star: shiyeZhang | You all are the stars! :star2:
以上就是本周的项目周报。你可以点击 weekly-digest 查看往期的项目周报。
欢迎提交 Issue~
如果你提交的是 bug 报告,请务必遵循 Issue 模板的规范,尽量用简洁的语言描述你的问题,最好能提供一个稳定简单的复现。🙏🙏🙏
如果你的信息提供过于模糊或不足,或者已经其他 issue 已经存在相关内容,你的 issue 有可能会被关闭。
Good luck and happy coding~
上周有 2 个新 issue。 2 个 issue 已经被关闭,0 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
:heart: #48 feat(home): 首页新增搜索, by lsqy :heart: #47 feat(core): temporarily remove other features, by lsqy
上周有 2 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周 merge 了 2 个 pull request:
:purple_heart: #48 feat(home): 首页新增搜索, by lsqy :purple_heart: #47 feat(core): temporarily remove other features, by lsqy
上周共有 4 个 提交:
:hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #48 from lsqy/dev by lsqy :hammer_and_wrench: feat(home): 首页新增搜索 by lsqy :hammer_and_wrench: Merge pull request #47 from lsqy/dev by lsqy :hammer_and_wrench: feat(core): temporarily remove other features by lsqy
上周共有 1 名独立贡献者:
:bust_in_silhouette: lsqy
上周获得了 21 个 star。它们分别来自于:
:star: gerainlotZS | :star: pkmq24 | :star: Deeyu | :star: Harsin1 | :star: leechaouser | :star: Clearives | :star: changwk | :star: VonJie | :star: chrisdeo | :star: qige2016 | :star: YunlongYang | :star: lulinha | :star: 348086239 | :star: ljjrhm | :star: Keraun | :star: wubaiqing | :star: Evandoz | :star: xiangyuisabatman | :star: Logistic98 | :star: chris-fung | :star: shiyeZhang | You all are the stars! :star2:
以上就是本周的项目周报。你可以点击 weekly-digest 查看往期的项目周报。