lss233 / chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot

🚀 一键部署!真正的 AI 聊天机器人!支持ChatGPT、文心一言、讯飞星火、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POE,多账号,人设调教,虚拟女仆、图片渲染、语音发送 | 支持 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
13.06k stars 1.56k forks source link

[BUG] 用户访问被限制 #872

Open Laurc2004 opened 1 year ago

Laurc2004 commented 1 year ago

提交 issue 前,请先确认:

描述 BUG 的表现情况


日志 [2023-05-23 20:31:06,117] GET /ws 1.1 101 - 0 2023-05-23 20:32:05.096 | DEBUG | platforms.onebotbot::181 - 群聊消息:[CQ:at,qq=1650706324] 你谁 2023-05-23 20:32:05.128 | DEBUG | middlewares.concurrentlock:handle_request:40 - [Concurrent] 排队中,前面还有 0 个人! 2023-05-23 20:32:05.128 | DEBUG | middlewares.concurrentlock:handle_request:42 - [Concurrent] 排到了! 2023-05-23 20:32:05.128 | DEBUG | middlewares.timeout:create_timeout_task:55 - [Timeout] 开始计时…… 2023-05-23 20:32:07.866 | ERROR | universal:handle_message:295 - 用户访问被限制 Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 54, in loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*bots)) │ │ │ │ └ [<Task pending name='Task-2' coro=<start_task() running at C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\platforms\> wait... │ │ │ └ <function gather at 0x000002C750EF2520> │ │ └ <module 'asyncio' from 'C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\python3.11\\asyncio\init.pyc'> │ └ <function BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete at 0x000002C750F13380> └

File "asyncio\", line 640, in run_until_complete sock.setblocking(False)

File "asyncio\", line 321, in run_forever

File "asyncio\", line 607, in run_forever sock.close()

File "asyncio\", line 1922, in _run_once

File "asyncio\", line 80, in _run self._loop = loop │ └ <member '_loop' of 'Handle' objects> └ <Handle Task.task_wakeup()>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\platforms\", line 183, in await handle_message( └ <function handle_message at 0x000002C7551727A0>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 269, in handle_message await action(session_id, message.strip(), conversation_context, respond) │ │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ │ └ None │ │ │ └ <method 'strip' of 'str' objects> │ │ └ '你谁' │ └ 'group-787020629' └ <function at 0x000002C75533BF60>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 53, in call await m.handle_request(session_id, message, respond, conversation_context, n) │ │ │ │ │ │ └ <function at 0x000002C75533BEC0> │ │ │ │ │ └ None │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ '你谁' │ │ └ 'group-787020629' │ └ <function MiddlewareConcurrentLock.handle_request at 0x000002C7553391C0> └ <middlewares.concurrentlock.MiddlewareConcurrentLock object at 0x000002C755335310>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\middlewares\", line 43, in handle_request await action(session_id, prompt, conversation_context, respond) │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ None │ │ └ '你谁' │ └ 'group-787020629' └ <function at 0x000002C75533BEC0>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 53, in call await m.handle_request(session_id, message, respond, conversation_context, n) │ │ │ │ │ │ └ <function at 0x000002C75533BE20> │ │ │ │ │ └ None │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ '你谁' │ │ └ 'group-787020629' │ └ <function Middleware.handle_request at 0x000002C755338680> └ <middlewares.baiducloud.MiddlewareBaiduCloud object at 0x000002C755335390>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\middlewares\", line 9, in handle_request await action(session_id, prompt, conversation_context, respond) │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ None │ │ └ '你谁' │ └ 'group-787020629' └ <function at 0x000002C75533BE20>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 53, in call await m.handle_request(session_id, message, respond, conversation_context, n) │ │ │ │ │ │ └ <function at 0x000002C75533BD80> │ │ │ │ │ └ None │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ '你谁' │ │ └ 'group-787020629' │ └ <function MiddlewareRatelimit.handle_request at 0x000002C754AC1300> └ <middlewares.ratelimit.MiddlewareRatelimit object at 0x000002C755335350>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\middlewares\", line 23, in handle_request await action(session_id, prompt, conversation_context, respond) │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ None │ │ └ '你谁' │ └ 'group-787020629' └ <function at 0x000002C75533BD80>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 53, in call await m.handle_request(session_id, message, respond, conversation_context, n) │ │ │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..request at 0x000002C75533BA60> │ │ │ │ │ └ None │ │ │ │ └ <function handle_message..respond at 0x000002C75533B9C0> │ │ │ └ '你谁' │ │ └ 'group-787020629' │ └ <function MiddlewareTimeout.handle_request at 0x000002C755339260> └ <middlewares.timeout.MiddlewareTimeout object at 0x000002C7542F9590>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\middlewares\", line 27, in handle_request await asyncio.wait_for(coro_task, config.response.max_timeout) │ │ │ │ │ └ 600.0 │ │ │ │ └ Response(mode='mixed', buffer_delay=15, default_ai='yiyan', error_format='出现故障!如果这个问题持续出现,请和我说“重置会话” 来开启一段新的会话,或 者发送 “回滚对话” 来回... │ │ │ └ Config(onebot=Onebot(qq=1650706324, manager_qq=939688743, reverse_ws_host='', reverse_ws_port=8566), mirai=None, teleg... │ │ └ <Task finished name='Task-36' coro=<handle_message..request() done, defined at C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\unive... │ └ <function wait_for at 0x000002C750EF1F80> └ <module 'asyncio' from 'C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\python3.11\\asyncio\init.pyc'>

File "asyncio\", line 479, in wait_for for f in todo:

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 222, in request async for rendered in task: └ <async_generator object retry..decorator..wrapper at 0x000002C7552CCFB0>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\utils\", line 21, in wrapper async for result in func(*args, **kwargs): │ │ └ {'prompt': '你谁', 'chain': MessageChain([Plain(text='Unsupported')]), 'name': '港岛妹夫'} │ └ (<conversation.ConversationContext object at 0x000002C7553ADCD0>,) └ <function ConversationContext.ask at 0x000002C755307EC0>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\", line 187, in ask async for item in self.adapter.ask(prompt): │ │ │ └ '你谁' │ │ └ <function YiyanAdapter.ask at 0x000002C755171C60> │ └ < object at 0x000002C7553ADD50> └ <conversation.ConversationContext object at 0x000002C7553ADCD0>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\adapter\baidu\", line 126, in ask self.__check_response(req.json()) │ │ └ <function Response.json at 0x000002C7527B4D60> │ └ <Response [200 OK]> └ < object at 0x000002C7553ADD50>

File "C:\Users\Liu\Desktop\gpt\chatgpt\adapter\baidu\", line 182, in __check_response raise Exception(resp['msg']) └ {'code': 40005, 'msg': '用户访问被限制', 'data': None, 'logId': '118000002296985164'}

Exception: 用户访问被限制

lss233 commented 1 year ago
