lsst-camera-dh / ghosts

Simulate Rubin LSST ghosts image
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Try GUDHI as a measure of the distance between to sets of ghosts #15

Closed bregeon closed 2 years ago

bregeon commented 2 years ago

bregeon commented 2 years ago

I have looked into the software and tools proposed, but:

  1. the methodology is about studying the topology of a cloud of points it's not obvious that a set of beam spot can really be considered as a cloud of points, mostly because there are not many points
  2. the tools proposed do not work in the real cloud point phase space, but in the reciprocal phase space of the persistent homology so the tools work on persistent homology diagrams

I really cannot see now the added value of transforming lists of beam spot positions into persistent homology diagrams to be able to compute a distance between these. In particular, as I do not see anything special in the topology of the beam spots positions, I would even say that within the range of small shifts and rotations that we consider the topology of the cloud of point shall not change significantly.

Closing this issue for now.