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challenge ideas #5

Open lstkz opened 4 years ago

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Pyramid investment api

John read about Pyramid Scheme on Wikipedia and he has an idea of making quick money. Help John in creating a simple Proof of Concept that will simulate his system. No real money involved!

The pyramid has the following rules.

Example: Assume the following user hierarchy.

      -    -
    user1  user2
    -   - 
user3   user4
  1. When the system is new, there are no users.
  2. user1 registers and pays $5000 to the (root).
  3. user2 registers and pays $5000 to the (root).
  4. user3 registers and pays $5000 to the user1. user1 pays $2500 to the (root).
  5. user4 registers and pays $5000 to the user2. user2 pays $2500 to the (root).
  6. user5 registers and pays $5000 to the user3. user3 pays $2500 to the user1. user1 pays $1250 to the (root).

Refer to the swagger spec for complete API specification.

Three endpoints:

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Friend Network Explorer frontend

todo: infinitely nested routes where you can browse friends of the user

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Category cleaner api

todo: An article has many categories. A category may have a parent category. Create an endpoint that removes all stale categories. A stale category is a category that it's not referenced by any article, and any child category is also not referenced by any article.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Simple Product XML Converter api todo: Create a single endpoint that will accept an XML, and output a JSON object.
example XML:


Example output JSON

  "name": "iPhone",
  "category": "phones",
  "cost": 4000,
  "tags": ["apple", "phone"]
lstkz commented 4 years ago

DONE No-fly zone api todo: Create a system for checking disallowed zones for drones. Two endpoints:

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Basic Calculator frontend todo: Create a basic calculator that will show the result in real-time. Support operations: +, -, *, / Support parentheses: (, ) Detect division by 0

lstkz commented 4 years ago

DONE Filter with predictions frontend todo: Create a filter with many options. If a filter option is not selected it should show the number (e.g. Red (10)) representing the total results if this option will be applied.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

DONE Like text formatter frontend todo: Create a text formatter for like button. It should format proper text based on conditions:

lstkz commented 4 years ago

filter serialized in query string frontend todo: create a filter and save its state automatically in the query string

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Inventory navigation frontend todo: create a grid, put items with a given dimension, and implement proper keyboard navigation. When navigating it should highlight a proper cell or an item.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

HTTP request canceling fronted todo: a simple form with two buttons: 'fetch', and 'cancel'. There should be two versions, one for fetch, and other for XHR.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Update list values with debouncing frontend todo: display a list, each item has an input. When entering a value, it should call an API, and display some result in another cell. When entering multiple values, it should cancel previous request. There should be an also debouncing implemented.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Conflict resolver fullstack todo: create a simple CRUD. When updating an item, check if there were edits by another user, and display a proper warning. Options: 'overwrite', 'ignore', 'merge'.

It can be split into two challenges, the hard version will be with merging.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Chaotic case api backend create an endpoint that can accept multiple formats: pascal case, camel case, snake case

lstkz commented 4 years ago

PESEL solver

Create a UI that has 11 inputs. Users can enter any digits from the PESEL. Generate 10 example PESEL numbers that are valid.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

DONE Input pin form

Create a form that will have 4 separate inputs. Each input can accept only 1 digit, when entering a value, it will focus the next input. If all digits are entered, display pin as a text.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

nested accordions persist expanded/collapsed state of child accordions or reset them

lstkz commented 4 years ago

masked input Implement masked input for mobile phone

lstkz commented 4 years ago

cached view list

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Profile redirect User can create a profile and change username. If username is changed then GET /:username should still return the old profile. If a new profile is registered then it shouldn't redirect.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Device info Display device info and its status. Status is an integer with flags (0x1, 0x2, 0x4) that but be formatted properly.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Date entries grouping Given a list of items. Each item has a date. Groups item by date (day, month, year). Group type can be changed in the dropdown.

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Parallel requests

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Shared id sequence

lstkz commented 4 years ago

tenant sequence

lstkz commented 4 years ago

scroll restoration

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Ticket webhook notifications

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Hierarchy manager (full stack)

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Modal trap

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Mobile filter

lstkz commented 4 years ago

User category blacklist

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Anagram API

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Bracket surrounding

lstkz commented 4 years ago

back/forward navigation caching

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Bus seat reservation

lstkz commented 4 years ago

Duplicated layout names

lstkz commented 4 years ago

duplicated quick filters