lsubel / amam

Ask me anything meaningful - meaningful questions for a good conversation
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Suggestion: add random or sequenced flag to questionnaires #76

Closed aberlin closed 6 years ago

aberlin commented 8 years ago

For some questionnaires it could make a significant difference if you ask the questions sequenced or random ( An option menue could be Irritating for the user so an option in the dataset should be enough

aberlin commented 8 years ago

I should mention, that some of my questions are heavily inspired by this droid app app. I wondered if I accidentally copy pasted something. Obviously I didn't because the original app is English and my contributions where German. Anyway we could adopt this app because it seems to be no longer maintained

lsubel commented 8 years ago

I generallly like the idea of multiple question selection methods, however I am wondering about the resulting questionnaire and how it tells something about the character of the person who answers them. Regarding the mentioned application I saw that there is a reserach paper were the questions were used for a study of interpersonal closeness. I'd guess that the questions are usable as long as we add citation to the original paper. This paragraph might also be relevant for #34.