Open myqua opened 9 years ago
My general impression is that they are doing similar things to what we are doing, but I like our (still largely theoretical) methods better. For example, our role terms are much more controlled because they are defined by a field name at the collection level, so we’re finding it very easy to do what they are talking about doing in slide 27. Also, a number of the changes they are making with basic find/replace in Notepad++, we have been able to make with more complex stylesheet transformations in Oxygen or will soon be able to do in OpenRefine. However, we may want to borrow some of their ideas from 35-44 and apply them in XSLT, I just think our complex if-then structure will allow our calculations to be applied in a less error-prone way. I anticipate that we will use Notepad++ for reviewing records after conversion, small changes to records with very strange metadata, and allowing the catalogers to create new metadata. Oxygen is just so much more powerful (and allows the transformations to be more easily scaled) than the types of changes they showed making in Notepad++. I think the only time we should edit the "individual libraries...stylesheets" is when the changes we make will improve the granularity of the
Metadata Migration to Islandora: Is There an Easy Way
This is a detailed presentation that explains metadata problems between MODS and Marc. They use Notepad++ to edit the records post-transformation. Also covers DC to MODS.
"Individual libraries can have their own stylesheets"
See slides 17-19 about XSLT customization