I think this may be helpful if someone can't use CUDA like me.
I have pytorch-cpu and torchvision-cpu. Everything was working until I tried to render the trained networks. Python gave an error: "Error in Python: <class 'AssertionError'>: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled".
I fixed it by removing ".cuda()" in Window.cpp line 69:
now I have:
I think this may be helpful if someone can't use CUDA like me.
I have pytorch-cpu and torchvision-cpu. Everything was working until I tried to render the trained networks. Python gave an error: "Error in Python: <class 'AssertionError'>: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled".
I fixed it by removing ".cuda()" in Window.cpp line 69: p::eval("MuscleNN(num_total_muscle_related_dofs,num_actions,num_muscles).cuda()",mns);
now I have: p::eval("MuscleNN(num_total_muscle_related_dofs,num_actions,num_muscles)",mns);