Open ltalirz opened 3 years ago
Thank you for the thoughtful suggestion.
As a first follow-up, I have added a sentence regarding the evolution of hardware to the introduction. Second, I agree that information on accelerator support would be a useful addition to the list (even if a binary supported/not supported label necessarily is a somewhat simplistic representation of how codes take advantage of these accelerators). Starting from the MolSSI list, I have now collected information on acceleration paradigms supported by the codes (not only GPUs but also shared- and distributed-memory CPU parallelism) and added it to the collection. I believe the information to already be fairly complete but have decided to hide the corresponding column by default in order not to clutter the view (it is available from the “View Columns” button and it can be used for filtering).
@pedersor mentions he noticed the column when preparing this manuscript (despite it not being displayed by default).
He nevertheless suggests
I think this could be useful to display as default, especially due to the increasing popularity and availability of such resources. For non-technical users, it may even be worth having an even clearer way to denote e.g. GPU support (for example, some simple icon, like those used in the Cost and Source categories, since e.g. some users may not know what Cuda is -- and may not bother to hover over).
My thoughts: As for using symbols, it seems to me that the people who want to run the software on the GPU will probably need to know at least whether they are running on an Nvidia GPU or not, so I'm not sure whether one symbol for GPU support would be a better solution. Similarly, it seems useful to distinguish between intra-node and across-node parallelization schemes; perhaps it would be easier to come up for symbols for those than for different frameworks for GPU support (suggestions welcome ;-) ).
Comment provided by reviewer of the article