lter / LTER-core-metabase

RDB model, based on the GCE LTER Metabase, with adaptations from other LTER sites
GNU General Public License v3.0
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bug in 26_delete_example_datasets FK_maintenance_changehistory #78

Open gastil opened 4 years ago

gastil commented 4 years ago

Here is a dependency I did not catch, or that table was created after this delete script was written. Heads up we'll have to update delete scripts as we add tables.

psql -U gastil -h rdb2 sbc_lter_core_mb < 26_delete_example_datasets.sql 
Password for user gastil: 
 table "DataSet" violates foreign key constraint "FK_maintenance_changehistory_DataSetID" on table "maintenance_changehistory"
DETAIL:  Key (DataSetID)=(99021) is still referenced from table "maintenance_changehistory".