lter / deims-knz-custom

DEIMS customizations to serve the Konza Prairie LTER needs
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Research Sites #5

Open isangil opened 9 years ago

isangil commented 9 years ago

A wealth of info on coordinates is stored in shapefiles and the likes. Explore migration possibilities

isangil commented 9 years ago

table spatial data may have 6 usable entries, compare with the 20+ areas at KNZ.

datasetID,datasetCode,geographicDescription,ulX,ulY,lrX,lrY elevMax,keywords,isActive yield mixed bag, with Active=0 for all, and no geodesc, only 3 have kywds, and those are repetitive.

isangil commented 9 years ago

seems like we may be able to use QGIS ( and apply one of several tricks

In QGIS you can use "Extract nodes" to first get the corner points of your polygons. Then, using "Export/Add geometry columns" you can add x and y coordinates to those points. The results will be four lines of data though.

Another way is to copy paste the geometries from QGIS' map window into a text editor. You'll get the WKT representation of the polygons, e.g.

wkt_geom POLYGON((-0.971664 0.453443,-0.516714 0.827044,-0.245552 0.432353,-1.001793 -0.224462,-0.971664 0.453443))

QGIS tools are under Vector->Geometry Tools -- I could then open the attribute table and view the corners and their coordinates.