ltguillaume / droidshows

A Reboot of DroidSeries Offline TV Shows Tracker
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Broken IMDb Searches Due To the "&" Character... #109

Closed Ibuprophen closed 2 years ago

Ibuprophen commented 2 years ago

Hello Again My Friend @ltGuillaume!

I'm not sure if you're aware of this and I'll just provide an example that (I hope) will explain what I'm referring to.

Within the App, If I first go to the TV show "Law & Order" and then "Season 8" and then "Episode 22" that's titled "Damaged".

When I select the IMDb link, it will then go to the following link...

... that's not providing very good search results because of the ampersand (aka "&").

With that stated...

Is there a way that IMDb searches that has the "&" character be changed to the word "and".

For example...

If I take the IMDb search link (above) and add the word "and" as follows...

... you will then see that the first choice of the search results is exactly the correct/specific episode being searched for.

So ultimately, if the searches for something that has/needs the ampersand character "&" could really be helpful if those specific IMDb search links would help out tremendously if the app would replace it with the word "and" because those search links remove the "&" character that kinda breaks the search links with bad search results.

I really tried my best to explain this (in a couple of ways) the best way I could via text.

Please let me know if you require any further information and such... 👍


ltguillaume commented 2 years ago

Could you try this build (for all external sources, not just IMDB, and for IMDB from both Episode and Show Details if search is used)?

Ibuprophen commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately... It provided the same type of Results @ltGuillaume as before because the search is now for "Law amp Order Damaged" as reflected by the following link from the App.

So you can try/test this out, the examples I had previously & currently provided, was for "Season 8 Episode 22" of the original "Law & Order" Television Series.

Thank you very much for your time and support! :-))


ltguillaume commented 2 years ago

Please try again 🙈

Ibuprophen commented 2 years ago


The search link reflects the results for "Law & Order Damaged" that fixes the minor issue.

Thank you SO much for your time, patience and support for this great app My Friend! 🥇

I'll keep you informed of anything I run into down the road. Perfect! 👍

I'll close this issue as being resolved.


ltguillaume commented 2 years ago

Great! Thanks for reporting 🙂