ltonetwork / seasalt

NaCl compatible cryptography library using Bouncy Castle (Java)
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Design the API #1

Closed jasny closed 3 years ago

jasny commented 3 years ago

The API should be easy to use and somewhat similar to libhydrogen. However, it can be OO instead of just plain functions. It should also be easy to support additional algorithms. Eg; make one class with a common interface for each algorithm.

The library will only support public-key encryption (box), public-key signatures (sign), and hashing.

It doesn't need to be a drop in replacement. The API can differ from NaCL/sodium. But it's nice if it looks somewhat similar, since a lot of devs only know nacl/sodium/hydrogren (+ openssl) and not really other crypto libs.