The author of LtData recently added PEP8 conformance to the styleguide of the project and already the main file has a bunch of errors:
W291:6:2:trailing whitespace
W291:11:2:trailing whitespace
W291:16:2:trailing whitespace
W291:19:2:trailing whitespace
E265:26:1:block comment should start with '# '
E225:30:13:missing whitespace around operator
E261:30:16:at least two spaces before inline comment
E262:30:17:inline comment should start with '# '
E225:31:7:missing whitespace around operator
E302:33:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E211:33:12:whitespace before '('
E231:33:18:missing whitespace after ','
E231:33:23:missing whitespace after ','
E201:35:18:whitespace after '('
E228:35:39:missing whitespace around modulo operator
E231:35:45:missing whitespace after ','
E202:35:51:whitespace before ')'
E302:38:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E211:38:10:whitespace before '('
E231:38:18:missing whitespace after ','
E231:38:24:missing whitespace after ','
E231:38:29:missing whitespace after ','
E225:42:10:missing whitespace around operator
E231:42:27:missing whitespace after ','
E231:42:33:missing whitespace after ','
E231:43:24:missing whitespace after ','
E225:46:13:missing whitespace around operator
E711:46:13:comparison to None should be 'if cond is not None:'
E265:47:13:block comment should start with '# '
E225:49:22:missing whitespace around operator
E203:50:29:whitespace before ','
E231:52:29:missing whitespace after ','
E231:52:35:missing whitespace after ','
E302:55:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E211:55:9:whitespace before '('
E211:59:30:whitespace before '('
E201:59:32:whitespace after '('
E202:59:50:whitespace before ')'
E302:61:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E231:61:15:missing whitespace after ','
E225:62:6:missing whitespace around operator
E231:62:19:missing whitespace after ','
E225:63:6:missing whitespace around operator
E225:65:10:missing whitespace around operator
E231:65:25:missing whitespace after ','
E302:68:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E261:75:51:at least two spaces before inline comment
E262:75:52:inline comment should start with '# '
E501:75:80:line too long (91 > 79 characters)
E231:78:43:missing whitespace after ','
E261:78:58:at least two spaces before inline comment
E262:78:59:inline comment should start with '# '
E225:80:26:missing whitespace around operator
E302:82:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E231:82:22:missing whitespace after ','
E211:85:25:whitespace before '('
W293:91:1:blank line contains whitespace
E225:96:12:missing whitespace around operator
E225:97:19:missing whitespace around operator
E225:98:21:missing whitespace around operator
E225:99:17:missing whitespace around operator
E261:101:33:at least two spaces before inline comment
E262:101:34:inline comment should start with '# '
W293:102:1:blank line contains whitespace
E302:103:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
E231:103:21:missing whitespace after ','
E211:104:14:whitespace before '('
E201:104:16:whitespace after '('
E202:104:41:whitespace before ')'
E211:105:14:whitespace before '('
E201:105:16:whitespace after '('
E501:105:80:line too long (91 > 79 characters)
E202:105:90:whitespace before ')'
E225:106:9:missing whitespace around operator
E231:106:27:missing whitespace after ','
W293:107:1:blank line contains whitespace
E302:108:1:expected 2 blank lines, found 1
W293:109:1:blank line contains whitespace
E211:110:25:whitespace before '('
E201:110:27:whitespace after '('
E202:110:62:whitespace before ')'
E211:111:17:whitespace before '('
E201:111:19:whitespace after '('
E201:111:21:whitespace after '('
E202:111:55:whitespace before ')'
E202:111:57:whitespace before ')'
E225:112:21:missing whitespace around operator
W293:113:1:blank line contains whitespace
E265:114:5:block comment should start with '# '
W293:116:1:blank line contains whitespace
E225:117:9:missing whitespace around operator
E231:117:27:missing whitespace after ','
E265:118:5:block comment should start with '# '
W293:119:1:blank line contains whitespace
E231:120:21:missing whitespace after ','
E231:125:21:missing whitespace after ','
E231:125:23:missing whitespace after ','
E211:128:25:whitespace before '('
E201:128:27:whitespace after '('
E202:128:32:whitespace before ')'
W293:129:1:blank line contains whitespace
E225:130:21:missing whitespace around operator
E261:130:25:at least two spaces before inline comment
E262:130:26:inline comment should start with '# '
W293:132:1:blank line contains whitespace
E211:133:21:whitespace before '('
E201:133:23:whitespace after '('
E202:133:30:whitespace before ')'
E231:134:30:missing whitespace after ','
E211:134:54:whitespace before '['
E201:134:56:whitespace after '['
E202:134:58:whitespace before ']'
E211:135:22:whitespace before '('
E201:135:24:whitespace after '('
E211:135:47:whitespace before '['
E201:135:49:whitespace after '['
E202:135:51:whitespace before ']'
E202:135:62:whitespace before ')'
E211:136:23:whitespace before '('
E201:136:25:whitespace after '('
E202:136:35:whitespace before ')'
E211:137:30:whitespace before '('
E201:137:32:whitespace after '('
E202:137:36:whitespace before ')'
E211:137:38:whitespace before '['
E201:137:40:whitespace after '['
E202:137:42:whitespace before ']'
E211:137:52:whitespace before '('
E201:137:54:whitespace after '('
E202:137:62:whitespace before ')'
E211:138:31:whitespace before '('
E201:138:33:whitespace after '('
E211:138:44:whitespace before '('
E201:138:46:whitespace after '('
E202:138:50:whitespace before ')'
E211:138:52:whitespace before '['
E201:138:54:whitespace after '['
E202:138:57:whitespace before ']'
E202:138:59:whitespace before ')'
E211:140:38:whitespace before '('
E201:140:40:whitespace after '('
E211:140:51:whitespace before '('
E201:140:53:whitespace after '('
E202:140:57:whitespace before ')'
E211:140:59:whitespace before '['
E201:140:61:whitespace after '['
E202:140:64:whitespace before ']'
E202:140:66:whitespace before ')'
E211:140:74:whitespace before '('
E201:140:76:whitespace after '('
E202:140:80:whitespace before ')'
E501:140:80:line too long (88 > 79 characters)
E211:140:82:whitespace before '['
E201:140:84:whitespace after '['
E202:140:87:whitespace before ']'
E231:144:23:missing whitespace after ','
E231:144:35:missing whitespace after ','
E231:144:43:missing whitespace after ','
E225:146:12:missing whitespace around operator
W293:149:1:blank line contains whitespace
The author of LtData recently added PEP8 conformance to the styleguide of the project and already the main file has a bunch of errors: