luankevinferreira / expenses

Simple app for expenses control
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Release APK on Github or F-Droid #24

Closed IzzySoft closed 6 years ago

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Would you mind publishing your app on F-Droid (though Google Analytics would be a show-stopper there, so that would need a special flavour without GA) – or at least attaching the .apk to its corresponding /releases? Not everybody can/will use Playstore, so it'd be great to have an alternative.

luankevinferreira commented 6 years ago

This app it's already on Playstore, thank you for the tip, good to know 👍

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

@luankevinferreira I know it's on Playstore. The reason I was asking, quoting myself:

Not everybody can/will use Playstore, so it'd be great to have an alternative.

Guess it wouldn't be too hard attaching the .apk to the release. When in doubt, see the GitHub Help description in Creating Releases. I you'd do it, I could make it available via my repo (the largest 3rd party F-Droid repo, second in size only to the official one, and quite well known :wink:) As I don't build myself (and prefer keeping your signature intact), I'd need the APK there for that.

luankevinferreira commented 6 years ago

Sorry @IzzySoft I had not understood correctly. So all that do I need to do it's attach the .apk on the correspondent release?

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

That's it, yes – everything else you already have to do for the Playstore release anyway (making sure versionCode gets increased and versionName reflects the (user readable) version of the release. The latter best reflects the tag name, which you might wish to prefix with a v – not really required, but considered good practice). My auto-updater compares the tag name with the latest version present in the repo and, if the former is "higher" (and not marked "pre-release"), fetches that. Updates are usually available within 24h of your having the APK attached to a new tag.

As a note: that version comparison currently is alpha-numerical (due to the fact that some devs use crazy tag names) with the v-prefix stripped, so if you'd release v1.1.10 my updater would miss that (but catch up at 1.2.*). Sometimes users report that to me, and then I fetch those specific versions manually. Happens rarely enough, luckily.

So when the first APK is available that way, just drop me a note here in this issue and I initialize the record for your app.

luankevinferreira commented 6 years ago

Ok then, I will attach the APK on the next release 👍

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

If you could attach the latest one (v1.1.6) already, I could setup the record as well (and it then fetches the next release automatically). Up to you, of course :wink:

luankevinferreira commented 6 years ago

Ok, then I will attach 😉

luankevinferreira commented 6 years ago

Done! Tell me if it's all right 😉

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

Thanks, but unfortunately it's not:

ERROR: Failed to get apk information, skipping repo/luankevinferreira.expenses_v1.2.0.apk
WARNING: Skipping 'luankevinferreira.expenses_v1.2.0.apk' with invalid signature!

Not sure what it is; apksigner verify doesn't choke but fdroidserver is. Another error I get is:

ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value

Could you please check?

PS: It's the latter error causing the abort, thrown by aapt dump badging. So if you'll fix the icon error, it should be fine (and I'll retry then).

luankevinferreira commented 6 years ago

Can you try again?

IzzySoft commented 6 years ago

\o/ That worked out, thanks a lot! See here – and feel free to point to that place for those (like me) preferring to use GPlay as little as possible :wink:

As I already wrote: Updates should appear there within 24h of your attaching the .apk to a new tag. If the APK has problems (like we just had it), the updater informs me and I'd contact you again. If you have any questions/issues with my repo (e.g. want the app description adjusted), feel free to ping me anytime.

Thanks again for your support!