luavreis / organon

📖 view and generate static websites from your Org files (WIP).
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Basic README #2

Closed srid closed 1 year ago

srid commented 2 years ago

I'd like to try abacateiro out on my own set of .org files (which are pretty basic at the moment). Perhaps some basic commands can be added to README?

srid commented 2 years ago

Well, I got it working somewhat. Just had to set the path to my org in the demo YAML file (among other things; PR incoming...). :-)

srid commented 2 years ago

@lucasvreis Is abacateiro meant to work specifically with org roam2? Just curious -- I can try out roam if it requires that.

GTrunSec commented 2 years ago

I guess that It should work for roamv2. you know, v1 has been abandoned for a long time.

luavreis commented 2 years ago

OK, when I wrote "Preliminar working version" read as "haskell compiled it and basic stuff is finally working!" :-)

So just expanding on the context a bit, I'm a maths student and the project was originally meant as a way to help me write and publish my org-roam math notes and posts. I'm literally learning Haskell as I write it, so please don't expect too much from it! My original motivation for turning it from a personal blog to something more general and user-friendly was a friend who does not program Haskell but got interested in using it (also the reason I made it public in GitHub).

So I'm writing it slowly, and for now I will leave it without a README. Many things are missing, but I also need to focus more on pure maths since I'm on my final year and I will be applying to master programs soon.

@srid yes, overall it's meant to be used with org-roam v2 specifically, but you can also use it with normal org pages. There are three types of sources you configure in the yaml file: the zettelkasten (org-roam v2), content (normal org pages) and static files. But only the basics are working.

GTrunSec commented 2 years ago

So I'm writing it slowly, and for now I will leave it without a README. Many things are missing, but I also need to focus more on pure maths since I'm on my final year and I will be applying to master programs soon.

~Since ema has done a relatively well-done job, I wondered whether it is possible to migrate some abacateiro workload to ema to complete the further work. That would help reduce the work process and avoid wasting each other's energy.~

For the mathematics support, Can ema embed the katext easily, even shortcodes like hugo?

Actually, I'm not a haskell expert and can only contribute a trivial work at the moment. If @srid is interested in this idea, that would be a considerable boost. For nix support, I have a better idea of providing a framework based on std).

luavreis commented 2 years ago

Since ema has done a relatively well-done job, I wondered whether it is possible to migrate some abacateiro workload to ema to complete the further work. That would help reduce the work process and avoid wasting each other's energy.

I don't get what you mean here, ema is a library for building static site generators used by abacateiro. Why would one "offload" work to it, when it already does what it is supposed to do?

For the mathematics support, Can ema embed the katext easily, even shortcodes like hugo?

Again, this is something abacateiro is concerned, not ema. KaTeX already works, it is just a script you can put in your template (the demo template includes it). More complicated LaTeX like Tikz will also work by using the local texlive to render the graphics to SVG. In fact this was "working" before I rewrote the app, but now I need to reimplement it in a way that allows the user to configure things. As for shortcodes, my idea is using lua scripts à la pandoc to allow something similar.

srid commented 2 years ago

@lucasvreis That's all understandable; feel no pressure. :-) Open source is all about no-obligation relaxing fun.

I'm trying out org for outlines (I used to use Workflow and Dynalist to do this) more than note-taking (for which I still use Emanote). I'd like to have some sort of dynamic HTML view for them (this project idea is still fuzzy in my mind). I'm trying out abacateiro to see if there are any ideas I can borrow (also to see if this is something I can use). The use of org-parser / Heist is already a good idea that I'll definitely adopt at some point. HeistSite is another potential idea that could probably go in ema-contrib or something.

@GTrunSec I'm not familiar with std but I've been increasingly using on my projects.

GTrunSec commented 2 years ago

I don't get what you mean here

Sorry, I should have had a good look at the project when I expressed my opinion. Ema is already one of the dependencies of abacateiro.