luberda-molinet / FFImageLoading

Image loading, caching & transforming library for Xamarin and Windows
MIT License
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Image corruption in UWP apps after applying simple transformation #1430

Open nbevans opened 4 years ago

nbevans commented 4 years ago

I'm on the latest FFImageLoading from and on a UWP app I have some code like this:

            .LoadStream(fun _ -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult<Stream>(model |> (fun model -> model.ImageStream) |> Option.defaultValue Stream.Null))
            .Transform(new FFImageLoading.Transformations.CornersTransformation(6., CornerTransformType.AllRounded))

Which produces corrupted output like this:


If I remove the .Transform line there - it works okay. I also tried a simple .Transform(new FFImageLoading.Transformations.GrayscaleTransformation()) but this too results in the same corruption.

It seems like there are really bad bugs in the UWP implementation for this?

nbevans commented 4 years ago

The JPG image that can cause this behaviour is here:

Please note we have seen this behaviour occur with dozens of images - not just this one. The photo above was taken on a standard iPhone 6 device and no alterations have been made to it.

nbevans commented 4 years ago

I also found this which seems similar:

nbevans commented 4 years ago

And this: