lubianat / ann

A repository for brainstorming and prototyping ideas related to the eLifeSprint project Annotate them all (
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Deep annotate article with Wikidata tags #35

Open lubianat opened 3 years ago

lubianat commented 3 years ago

Do something similar as in the article Adventures in semantic publishing: exemplar semantic enhancements of a research article (2009) where they semantically enhanced this article.



It would be a manual pilot for ANN, so we can study a bit the challenges of the annotation per se.

lubianat commented 3 years ago

An option is just to manually add RDFa tags for the HTML page of a smaller CC-BY article.

We can create a GitHub repository that compiles the HTML into a GH pages automatically and anyone can contribute at any time.

Perhaps a smaller article would be more suitable for this pilot.

lubianat commented 3 years ago

One pilot can be to annotate the abstract of my PhD scholarship grant:

There is a version in Portuguese and one in English, it could be fun to have a bilingual enhancement.

lubianat commented 3 years ago

I have started to prototype it using the BioQRator tool at: