lubritto / flutter_share

A Flutter plugin for IOS and Android providing a simple way to share a message, link or local files.
MIT License
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Share Image and Text [LinkedIn] #21

Open Dfisch3r opened 4 years ago

Dfisch3r commented 4 years ago

I tried to use flutter_share to share an image with description as a LinkedIn Post, but the image won't be attached in the post. Facebook for example works perfectly. What do I have to change so that LinkedIn works too? Or does it need an other solution than flutter_share?

Thanks for help!

Future shareFile2(tempDir) async {

  await FlutterShare.shareFile(
  title: 'Title', 
  text: 'This is the description.',

 filePath: '${tempDir.path}/myImage.png'
aharoldk commented 2 years ago

i got same issue