luc-github / ESP3D-WEBUI

A Web UI for ESP8266 or ESP32 based boards connected to 3D printers / CNC
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Machine Cordinates are Not Updating in my UI #184

Closed jjhamb closed 3 years ago

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I Have managed to Flash ESP3D on ESP01, Index, has peen uploaded. I can see GRBL parameters and output on console. I am able to JOG and Home the Machine. However I am unable to see Machine Coordinates getting any info. I have tried setting the $10=2 and 3 without any Joy. Additionally I don't see any user set up. Please note that File System on ESP index.html.gz, favicon.ico, 404.html file .... Kindly advice what needs to change. My Machine is otherwise working fine thru UGS. RX TX lines using ESP01 are working too as I can see and change machine parameters.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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luc-github commented 3 years ago

do you see the machine coordinate in terminal in ? feedback ? Can you screenshot the page ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Hi LUC, thanks for quick reply. Here are the screenshots. Image3 Image2 Image1 Image4

luc-github commented 3 years ago

I only see MPos coordinate, no WPos in GRBL polling is that normal ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I am not sure how it should look... but position updates fine if I use Universal Gcode Sender. And Jog commands work.

luc-github commented 3 years ago

This is what I have on my GRBL_ESP32 image

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I am hoping that I too can get the same output as you. But I do not see any Idle messages on ESP3D UI. I was hoping that someone here may be able to help. I do not even see Machine Coordinates Capture .

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

IF I connect a Bluetooth module where ESP is connected, I can connect my UGS and can see data change as the machine moves/jogs.

luc-github commented 3 years ago

Please share several ? output (in text mode not screenshot) as if you do not have any WCO coordinate it should display at least the Mpos ones I need them to try to reproduce your issue

Also are you connected to USB in same time as ESP board is connected to Serial ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

$ [HLP:$$ $# $G $I $N $x=val $Nx=line $J=line $SLP $C $X $H ~ ! ? ctrl-x] ok

$# [G54:-249.000,-249.000,0.000] [G55:0.000,0.000,0.000] [G56:0.000,0.000,0.000] [G57:0.000,0.000,0.000] [G58:0.000,0.000,0.000] [G59:0.000,0.000,0.000] [G28:-264.000,-289.000,0.000] [G30:-264.000,-289.000,0.000] [G92:0.000,0.000,0.000] [TLO:0.000] [PRB:0.000,0.000,0.000:0] ok

$G [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M3 M9 T0 F0 S0] ok

$I [VER:1.1h.20190825:] [OPT:VC,15,128] ok $N $N0= $N1= ok

$C ERROR:8 OK error:8 ok

$ [HLP:$$ $# $G $I $N $x=val $Nx=line $J=line $SLP $C $X $H ~ ! ? ctrl-x] ok ~ ok ! ok ? <Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:15,126|FS:0,0|WCO:-249.000,-249.000,0.000> ok

---- USB Serial is not connected.

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

$$ $0=10 $1=25 $2=0 $3=3 $4=0 $5=0 $6=0 $10=3 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $20=0 $21=0 $22=1 $23=3 $24=25.000 $25=500.000 $26=250 $27=1.000 $30=1000 $31=0 $32=0 $100=80.000 $101=80.000 $102=250.000 $110=1000.000 $111=1000.000 $112=200.000 $120=500.000 $121=50.000 $122=10.000 $130=250.000 $131=250.000 $132=200.000

luc-github commented 3 years ago

I see <Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:15,126|FS:0,0|WCO:-249.000,-249.000,0.000> so I need to check why webUI do not update the coordinates as it see them in terminal , May I know which version of webUI you use ? it display in menu on right when you click on it

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

UI: 2.1b57 / FW: 2.1.1.b8

luc-github commented 3 years ago

can you try the latest : it is UI: 2.1b71

jjhamb commented 3 years ago


luc-github commented 3 years ago

Ok I have reproduced your issue - it looks a bug in webUI - I think I have found where - I am testing the fix I have only tested with GRBL_ESP32 and not a lot with pure GRBL and issue is there

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I tried the latest version... No change is seen WhatsApp Image 2021-08-02 at 17 01 25

luc-github commented 3 years ago

Yes hold a sec - checking the fix

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Yes hold a sec - checking the fix

Thanks... eagerly waiting.

luc-github commented 3 years ago

Please give a try to this and let me know - version is a72


jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Hi... Installed A72, Power cycled the machine. I am getting Machine position now after homing command but nothing changes on Jogs. Image6 Image5

luc-github commented 3 years ago

click the auto check

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Auto check is at 3s

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I also tried changing $10 parameter on grbl by setting it to 0, 1, 2, 3 .. no change.

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

BTW I do not see <Idle|........> messages in my console even with verbose on.

luc-github commented 3 years ago

when you check the auto check every 3s what is the output in terminal after 20s ? because it should send a bunch of ? and get answer for each one

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Hi , Sorry for the delay I get attached output 80-90s apart... "ok" or just "k" Screenshot of about 10min Idle time is attached Image7

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Hi again.... I have checked my controller, It is sending out Work Position. This output was received in UGS by connecting Bluetooth module where ESP is connected.

// [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|WCO:-229.000,-229.000,0.000> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100|A:S> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|WCO:-229.000,-229.000,0.000> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100|A:S> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|WCO:-229.000,-229.000,0.000> [verbose] <Idle|MPos:-149.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100|A:S> //

Idle statements may not be getting properly parsed in ESP3d Further note that Selecting or Deselecting Verbose in Web Interface makes no difference at my end. I also do not see <Idle|...> statements on port 8888 to which I connect via RAW mode of putty. My GRBL Version is // $I [VER:1.1h.20190825:] [OPT:VC,15,128] ok //

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-03 at 13 02 13

luc-github commented 3 years ago

I do not understand when ESP board is connected you cannot connect Bluetooth neither USB, GRBL has only one serial and cannot be shared if your ESP board do not get anything on webUI it means wiring issue

or I misunderstood your issue : just Idle state or position display/any display in terminal ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I removed ESP Board to connect with UGS using Bluetooth module to see if Work Position is being reported and it is. Only one board is connected at a time to rx/TX ports... USB is not in use.

luc-github commented 3 years ago

GRBL is working I have no doubt as you can use by USB I try to understand your issue but I get lost with your report talking about other Apps I am not at your side so please understand that I need clear feedback, as I do not see what you are doing to help you 1 - please do a screen of all webUI when ESP3D board is connected and poilling - not partial screenshot 2 - you mentioned you used putty and it was working well- was that with ESP3D telnet feature ? 3 - what is the output in webUI when you enter ? then $ in webui terminal - I need screenshot of all webUI also 4 - you mentioned the position are well displayed now - is it still the case when only esp3d is connected ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I apologise for the confusion....

  1. I will send you the screenshots. - Reverting

  2. Putty connects to Port 8888 but I get same output as what I get on WEB-UI Console. I did not use telnet but RAW mode instead.

  3. $ & ? are as follows: $ [HLP:$$ $# $G $I $N $x=val $Nx=line $J=line $SLP $C $X $H ~ ! ? ctrl-x] ok ~ ok ! ok ? <Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:15,126|FS:0,0|WCO:-249.000,-249.000,0.000> ok

  4. Positions are displayed only in UGS but not in WEB-UI sending screen shots shortly

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Attaching Screenshots with ESP connected Terminal Screenshot is also attached (using telnet) Screenshots after that are from WEBUI

After homing Machine reports <Home|MPos:-249.000,-249.000,0.000|FS:0,0|Ov:100,100,100|A:S> This updates Machine position correctly.

Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 28 37 PM Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 19 22 PM Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 19 09 PM Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 18 49 PM Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 18 25 PM Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 18 04 PM Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 2 35 45 PM
luc-github commented 3 years ago

Ok so $$ give feedback and I see some feedback on terminal - I have a guess that some answers do not have \r nor \n like <State:xxxx> , so it is not wiring issue but software one - WebUI expect end lines to process answers

Can you tell me what version of GRBL you are using ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

$I [VER:1.1h.20190825:] [OPT:VC,15,128] ok

luc-github commented 3 years ago

You typed in webUI terminal, right ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Yes on the WEB UI

luc-github commented 3 years ago

in same time please flash esp3d using 160Mz for CPU frequency not 80Mz - this is why it may loose some data

I am checking to see if need to add > as line end in the realease of GRBL you are using

luc-github commented 3 years ago

Seems your FW use the static void report_util_line_feed() { printPgmString(PSTR("\r\n")); } and


so the issue is not the sending end line but data corruption we can see with ok

May I know how do you build flash ESP3D ? arduino IDE? PlatformIO ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

May I know how do you build flash ESP3D ? arduino IDE? PlatformIO ?

I used Arduino IDE

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

in same time please flash esp3d using 160Mz for CPU frequency not 80Mz - this is why it may loose some data

I am checking to see if need to add > as line end in the realease of GRBL you are using

I will try to flash using 160Mhz

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

in same time please flash esp3d using 160Mz for CPU frequency not 80Mz - this is why it may loose some data

Tried flashing with 160Mhz... It did not work, ESP kept resetting..

luc-github commented 3 years ago

Do a 160Mhz should not make reset

what esp8266 core version are you using ? Do you use the libraries present in repository libraries directory or use another version? What settings do you put in Arduino IDE to flash ?

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

Executable segment sizes: IROM : 459992 - code in flash (default or ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR) IRAM : 28576 / 32768 - code in IRAM (ICACHE_RAM_ATTR, ISRs...) DATA : 1340 ) - initialized variables (global, static) in RAM/HEAP RODATA : 5288 ) / 81920 - constants (global, static) in RAM/HEAP BSS : 27104 ) - zeroed variables (global, static) in RAM/HEAP v2.8 Serial port COM13 Connecting.... Chip is ESP8266EX Features: WiFi Crystal is 26MHz MAC: 2c:f4:32:44:ec:ef Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Configuring flash size... Auto-detected Flash size: 1MB Compressed 499344 bytes to 356457... Wrote 499344 bytes (356457 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 31.6 seconds (effective 126.5 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. --- Above is the Output from Arduino IDE and settings for the board are in the screenshot....
After flashing at 160Mhz ESP repeatedly Resets


jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I have not installed any additional libraries... Board Manager in use is 2.7.4 ... If I use latest version 3.0.2 I get error at #include "WiFiClientSecureAxTLS.h" in line 38 of notifications_service.cpp

luc-github commented 3 years ago

3.0 is not supported - they break many thing so must use 2.X as stated in read me image

2.7.4 should be ok

ESP3D need libraries as stated in readme : image The one in red is the key one image

Your FS is too big : use 1M (SPIFFS 256KB) not more

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

All above noted.... Will add these libraries manually now and change the SF size. Will get back shortly..

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

I have re-flashed ESP after copying libraries to Arduino/Libraries and SPIFFS 256KB there is no change as far as Work position is concerned. Screenshot is attached

Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 6 58 43 PM
luc-github commented 3 years ago

can you enter the ? command in webui terminal ? is there any response from GRBL visible in webUI

It is normal work position show nothing as we cannot see any WCO in status - the problem is I see several ok which are I guess the confirmation of sending ? but I do not see any answer / status but one

jjhamb commented 3 years ago

? <Idle|MPos:-249.000,-249.000,0.000|Bf:15,126|FS:0,0> ok ok $J=G91 G21 F1000 X10 $J=G91 G21 F1000 Y10 ? <Idle|MPos:-239.000,-239.000,0.000|Bf:15,126|FS:0,0> ok ok