luc-github / ESP3D

FW for ESP8266/ESP8285/ESP32 used with 3D printer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Azteeg X5 Mini #246

Closed ModMike closed 6 years ago

ModMike commented 6 years ago

What is different about the Azteeg version for X5 mini?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Depend of version you have - Azteeg X5 Mini has wifi version which allow to access directly to SD Card

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I should have specified the Azteeg X5 Mini wifi, latest version.

luc-github commented 6 years ago

So unlike ESP just connected to serial - Azteeg wifi has also SDCard direct access - so upload to SD card are fast

Also do not use this repository fw on azteeg mini wifi - it is not compatible, you will lose the SD direct access

ModMike commented 6 years ago

So which one do I use and is it 2.0?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

2.0 is development version - it is available for normal ESP for Azteeg Mini 2.0, is not yet released, and when will be, it will be on panucatt web site, not here.

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Understood. I can't find the current Azteeg X5 mini version on the Panucatt site. Do you have a link?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Sorry, didn't realize it was already installed. I am using it with Marlin (I created some pin configs and such to support it). My current board blew up because of a bad driver and another is on the way.

Will the current version that is preinstalled support Marlin? If so do I have to change anything?

Merci beaucoup pour les réponses!

luc-github commented 6 years ago

oui ESP3D est preinstalle mais Azteeg X5 mini ce n'est que smoothieware en principe Il y a la version 32bit de marlin mais elle n'est pas encore stable

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Je te réponds en anglais pour que tous le monde peut suivre. Et mon français (anglophone quebecois) est horrible.

I am running 32 bit Marlin on it and everything works so far, that it is until I swapped my drivers and shorted the board. If all goes well, I will do a pull request soon and it will be officially supported.

Marlin 2.0.x bug fix already supports the Azteeg X5 GT and Re-arm. I used the Re-Arm with Marlin for over a month with no issues. I even got it to work with the stock CR-10 display.

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Ok it is some time I did not tried the 2.0 for LPC1769 - happy to see it is better

ModMike commented 6 years ago

So hopefully last question for today, what, if anything, do I need to do to get the Azteeg X5 Mini Wifi to Web UI to work with Marlin? Are the config G codes compatible?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Just choose Marlin as FW target in Web UI

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Great, I wasn't sure that was available in the Azteeg Mini Wifi version.

luc-github commented 6 years ago

No problem is on it, as well as repetier and smoothieware

ModMike commented 6 years ago

I got my replacement Azteeg X5 mini, loaded Marlin and was able to connect through USB with S3D. Everything responds fine from the terminal.

I disconnected from the S3D terminal, set the Web UI to Marlin,rebooted, and tried to send commands through the Web UI terminal but Marlin will not respond.

Do I need to set up a software serial link between the two?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

S3D do not allows TCP connection only serial, as far I kown only repetier and pronterface allow tcp connection

To use S3D with Azteeg Wifi - instead of print from host, print from SD - upload generated GCODE file to Azteeg SD ( can be done using web UI) then launch print ( can be done using web UI)

If you really want to stream from S3D, you need to find a drivers or device that do a USB/Serial <-> TCP bridge - I never try so I do not know if it works

ModMike commented 6 years ago


I was not trying to use TCP via S3D, I was just pointing out that I am able to get a response to M119 to prove Marlin is running on the board and responsive to commands.

Now I need to get commands working through WEB UI. Do I need to do anything to get WEB UI to talk to Marlin on that board or should it just work?

When I connect through WEB UI and issue an M119 command from the WEB UI Send command panel, I get no response.

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Sorry my mistake I read too fast. For ESP3D/Marlin communicate you need to be sure : 1 - Marlin Baud rate and ESP3D baud rate are identical 2 - Marlin read the Serial connector of Azteeg , I know Smoothieware do it by default , I do not know if Marlin do it by default or need to be configured ( I cannot try I do not have any Azteeg Wifi)

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Thats what I suspected, thanks!

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Do you know which serial port is associated with the wifi on Azteeg?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

No sorry - you should contact panucatt I think - as said I do not have any Azteeg X5 Wifi so hard to help

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Understood, thanks.

luc-github commented 6 years ago

You may ask also on Marlin - they should know - I remember last time I tested on Re-ARM I had to change the configuration to use the internal serial instead of usb port and at this time could not use both

luc-github commented 6 years ago

here the starting point : I had to use Serial 0 instead of -1

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Luc, got it working with the following:

define SERIAL_PORT -1

define SERIAL_PORT_2 0

Very close to what you said, just need to be exactly that. Thank you very much.

By the way, is there a way to embed a video stream using the camera function a la Octoprint?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Cool you found out :) Camera tab is enabled if you click on check box close to camera icon on top left

ModMike commented 6 years ago

I understand that :-) What I am asking is what is the result? Does it embed a video in the WEB UI a la Octoprint? Also what camera do you recommend?

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Also is it ok to wire an arducam directly to the ESP8266? is that the preferred method? How many FPS can you get?

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Sort of like this but using the module?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

No, connect an arducam to ESP8266 is bad idea , performance will be bad, I did some tests before ( and for 10$ you got a good wifi cam that won't overload ESP (arducam is not cheap IMHO)- also you won't be able to connect arducam on Azteeg

On another hand ESP32 is good candidate for this - because it has already hardware support for camera and more pins. I have ordered this : and I need to see how to add such support to ESP3D but I have others projects to finish first so may not be soon but will be in 2.5

ModMike commented 6 years ago

So basically getting a self contained IP cam and linking to it's IP is best option?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Yes ^_^

ModMike commented 6 years ago

What a genius I am. I have a remarkable grasp of the obvious :-)

From what I gather, the camera you linked to is a fully independent IP camera capable of pictures and streaming, correct? Do you or anyone else have firmware for it?

If so I will order 3 today.


ModMike commented 6 years ago

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Sorry what Firmware you talk about ? Actually any camera allowing direct web access will fit

luc-github commented 6 years ago

Ho you mean m5stack. There is a fw available already.

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Firmware for the M5 camera. I was originally looking for a webcam but everything has an SD card and battery and is big. The one you linked too is good but ideally I would like one with a video compressor built in.

luc-github commented 6 years ago

The loaded fw is pretty simple. But a new fw is under development as far I know

ModMike commented 6 years ago

If can just plug it in and get 10 to 15 FPS I am happy. When I use the camera option, does the video display in your WEB UI?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

I have only did few test as by default it is in AP mode:

[0;32mI (28) boot: ESP-IDF v3.1-dev-1101-g1f7b41e2-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (28) boot: compile time 10:53:23
I (29) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (34) boot: SPI Speed      : 40MHz
I (38) boot: SPI Mode       : DIO
I (42) boot: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (47) boot: Partition Table:
I (50) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length
I (57) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00009000 00006000
I (65) boot:  1 phy_init         RF data          01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (72) boot:  2 factory          factory app      00 00 00010000 00100000
I (80) boot: End of partition table
I (84) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x14250 ( 82512) map
I (122) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x00024278 vaddr=0x3ffb0000 size=0x037f8 ( 14328) load
I (128) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x00027a78 vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x00400 (  1024) load
I (129) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x00027e80 vaddr=0x40080400 size=0x08190 ( 33168) load
I (151) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00030018 vaddr=0x400d0018 size=0x64270 (410224) map
I (295) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x00094290 vaddr=0x40088590 size=0x07ba8 ( 31656) load
I (309) esp_image: segment 6: paddr=0x0009be40 vaddr=0x400c0000 size=0x00000 (     0) load
I (319) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (319) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (320) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (324) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40080fdc
I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (335) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (341) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM
I (347) heap_init: At 3FFB93B0 len 00026C50 (155 KiB): DRAM
I (354) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (360) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (366) heap_init: At 40090138 len 0000FEC8 (63 KiB): IRAM
I (372) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (167) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (314) camera_demo: Detected OV2640 camera, using JPEG format
I (454) camera_demo: ESP_WIFI_MODE_AP
I (454) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (454) system_api: Base MAC address is not set, read default base MAC address from BLK0 of EFUSE
I (544) phy: phy_version: 3900, 1d94202, May 17 2018, 18:20:07, 0, 0
I (554) camera_demo: wifi_init_softap finished.SSID:M5Cam password:
I (554) camera_demo: Open for single image/jpg image
I (564) camera_demo: Open for multipart/x-mixed-replace stream of JPEGs
I (574) camera_demo: Free heap: 145312
I (574) camera_demo: Camera demo ready

here the FW I did not checked yet how to setup as STA

luc-github commented 6 years ago

When I tested quality was pretty good

ModMike commented 6 years ago

I have 3 on the way, will let you know how it goes when I get them in a month or so.

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Bonjour Luc,

I just did a Marlin PR for the Azteeg X5 Mini wifi. This PR fully supports every feature of the Mini WiFI. I would like to now migrate to version 2.0 of the Web UI as it seems to offer much improved functionality.

I understand that you said this will be released on their site but I would like to know what needs to be done for this to happen, from the technical to the political.


luc-github commented 6 years ago

I add to rewrite the 2.0b which was using Async Webserver due to performance issue to be able to use the Sync web server and I never got any feedback until now on 2.0b on esp8266, so I won't release before I got several feedback. The only feedback I had were: 1 - on esp32 2 - on translation on web UI 2.0

2.0c is still under devt and test for both "public version" and "Azteeg version"

So first need feedback on 2.0c with esp866, even public one would be great.

I am currently busy porting 2.0 to Marlin for ESP32 - so every bug I see now are mostly "ESP32 related", they will need to be applied to 2.0, but so far they are small bugs /glitch, unfortunatly I have only 2 hands and I prefer to finish the ESP3D Marlin porting to apply to "standard" and "Azteeg" version instead of handle 3 FW at once and so do mistake.

Testing is important, so far Marlin + Direct SD access with 2 SD readers (one on board + one on screen) was never tested so I am not sure of how ESP3D will behave on some corner cases with SD. I am still waiting for an Azteeg Wifi board to be able to do test, as the prototype I got, fried after few tests in my desk with 2.0, so I cannot even test your configuration.

What you can ask to Roy from panucatt, is to become a tester, if I agree he may send you the beta FW + web UI files.

Also good job for the PR ^_^

ModMike commented 6 years ago

Bonjour Luc!

Question stupide, je ne semble pas être capable de charger un fichier, le système me dit toujours qu'il y'a un erreur. Je suit le protocole de 8.3 mais est ce que il y'a qu'elle que chose de special pour la version 1.0 Azteeg?

Est ce que l'extension doit être .gco?


luc-github commented 6 years ago

la version 1.0 pour azteeg accède directement au lecteur SD et n'utilise pas le serial En principe l'upload sur SD ne devrait pas poser de problème car elle ne passe pas par le FW Marlin ou Smoothieware. Contrairement a la version publique qui utilise le port serie et le FW de l'imprimante

qu'elle est l'erreur ?

ModMike commented 6 years ago

il me demande de mettre le fichier en forme 8.3, meme quand il est deja. Maintenant, je ne peut meme pas le sélectionner pour upload. J'ai meme essayer d'écrire le fichier directement sur la carte. WEB Ui le voit, mais il ne peut pas l'imprimer. Quelle est le format et extension? 12345678.GCO?

ModMike commented 6 years ago

J'ai oublier de mentioner qu'il montre la carte SD mais vois juste 4gb quand elle et de 16GB. Je l'ai bien formatter en fat 32 avant de l'insérer. Est ce que le système rapporte la grandeur de la carte SD ou la memoire du 8226?

luc-github commented 6 years ago

bizarre oui le format est 12345678.gco 8 + 3, Ha ok c'est le formatage qui pose soucis, pour les cartes SD il faut ce soft :

c'est la taille de la carte SD , esp8266 c'est max 4MB de flash et le SPIFFS est 3MB pour Azteeg