luca-piccioni / OpenGL.Net

Modern OpenGL bindings for C#.
MIT License
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Current Nuget is Pretty Old - 12/15/2017 #121

Closed ThxSkeleton closed 5 years ago

ThxSkeleton commented 5 years ago

Current version of the sample code no longer compiles using the nuget package 0.7.1.

'Matrix4x4f' does not contain a definition for 'Ortho2D' error CS0019: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Matrix4x4f' and 'Matrix4x4f'

Edit: Please push the latest copy to Nuget.

luca-piccioni commented 5 years ago

Yes, since Math has changed a lot, I've always procrastinated the nuget update. And Travis builds with VS2017 have stopped working for weird reasons. Now reverted to compile only on VS2015.

I hope that next week I can find few hours to tag the next version.

MarkWilds commented 5 years ago

Did you manage to find any time for it?

p.s. I also have the cannot be found issue on linux with the current nuget. Might 'RTLD_LAZY' be the issue in the KhronosOs api?

luca-piccioni commented 5 years ago

And finally, I've uploaded the nuget packages. Currently, they are in the validating phase, they will be available soon.

foobit commented 4 years ago

@RUSshy I'm getting the same issue with 0.8.4 using a .net core project. That package version seems to be missing the core/standard assemblies. Pulling nuget 0.7.1 does have the core/standard assemblies which I'm able to use in my project. However that does not fix your issue with the examples (if they havent been updated yet)

foobit commented 4 years ago

In #127 OpenGL.Net.nuspec does not have any file references for any netcoreapp2.0 or 3.0. I'll just work up pull request.