I think:
It would be nice if it was possible to set the initial data to launch the algorithm.
Always when we start GA he starts to sort out options with random values.
However, if you stay on some iteration, and it would be able to start the GA from the result that has already accelerated the solution to find a solution.
Hi Luca!
Ha is a super library! Thank you very much! I get a fan of its use :) For example, like this :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/rtalks/permalink/769814930347533/
I think: It would be nice if it was possible to set the initial data to launch the algorithm.
Always when we start GA he starts to sort out options with random values.
However, if you stay on some iteration, and it would be able to start the GA from the result that has already accelerated the solution to find a solution.
Here is my idea :)
Thanks again for the magnificent library!