lucaapp / security-concept

Archived Security Overview for Luca
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Make reverse engineering legal (as you would like to get responsible disclosures) #17

Closed LilithWittmann closed 3 years ago

LilithWittmann commented 3 years ago

As your TOS currently states

(c) Teile der Dienste dekompilieren, im Wege des Reverse Engineerings rekonstruieren, zerlegen oder auf eine andere Weise versuchen, Quellcodes, Objektcodes oder zugrundeliegende(s) strukturelle Ideen, Know-how oder Algorithmen oder andere Funktionsmechanismen der Dienste zu erlangen, es sei denn, dies ist im Einzelfall aufgrund zwingender gesetzlicher Vorschriften zulässig; (d) alle oder einen Teil der Dienste modifizieren, anpassen, übersetzen oder abgeleitete Werke erstellen, die auf den Diensten basieren (außer in dem durch luca gestatteten Umfang oder sofern dies im Rahmen der Dienste genehmigt wurde);

it is basically illegal to do any kind of serious security research except reading your br0ken security documentation.

So if I do any responsible disclosure stuff for your system the next thing I probably would have to expect from you is a letter from your lawyer.

As I hope this is not what you venture-funded 🤡 actually want, just remove this part from your TOS.

T-vK commented 3 years ago

I highly agree. This is absolutely ridiculous. You're essentially begging the reverse engineerers to sell their exploits to the bad guys, instead of disclosing them. Stop pretending you care about security. Set up a bug bounty program and make the code open source!

LilithWittmann commented 3 years ago

Fixed in the current version of the terms of service. (But that creates a bunch of new issues)

philipp-berger commented 3 years ago

We removed the part about reverse-engineering. Please note, that this does still explicitly forbid attacks against server infrastructures or similar.

Unfortunately, an information channel for changes for example mail does not exist by design in the current version.

Since this change does not introduce any new obligations on the part of end users, both the existing agreement and the previous version can be referenced.

FrankGrimm commented 3 years ago

Proposal for future changes: ToS change notification of some sort when opening the app / web app if it changed since it was last accepted on the device in question.

MarcusWolschon commented 3 years ago

If this has been fixed, why is the issue still open?

reneme commented 3 years ago

TOS were changed accordingly. Closing.