lucabaldini / ximpol

An X-ray polarimetry simulation framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create a Chandra-to-XIPE converter #116

Open lucabaldini opened 8 years ago

ndilalla commented 8 years ago

I committed the first version of the converter, you can find it at bin/ To run the script you need to provide it a Chandra event file, publicly available at, in the advanced search section. At this time the photoelectron angle is not reconstructed (it's 0 for all events), we need to implement this feature according to source polarization.

lucabaldini commented 8 years ago

May I suggest we call this We can in principle convert a Chandra observation to whatever detector we want (e.g., IXPE), provided we have appropriate IRFs.

ndilalla commented 8 years ago

I updated the converter and, as suggested by Luca, I renamed it Now you can pass a configuration file where the polarization model of the source is defined (you can find an example at config/ If the config file is not provided, the photoelectron angles are generated assuming a non-polarized source.

One thing that remains to fix is that, when using the Chandra ACIS-I detector, the effective area ratio is greater than one for a small energy interval around 2 keV. We need to take in account this fact adding events in some way.

Finally, I think it could be useful to add somewhere a simple function to rescale the MDP as a function of observation time, so that we can easily get the MDP corresponding to the time we are interested in.

lucabaldini commented 8 years ago

Thinking about this a little bit more, I think it might be worth to add the possibility to specify the duration of the simulation, and allow the converter to re-sample the same event multiple times---since they're smeared with the XIPE response functions anyway, this should work.

The behaviour would be:

One issue that we have to think about in details is how we deal with the event times in this last case, but this is already a problem to some extent in the spectral regions where the ratio of the effective areas is larger than one.

lucabaldini commented 8 years ago

How are we doing about closing this one? Is the documentation the only thing we're missing?

ndilalla commented 8 years ago

Yes, I have "only" to put all the stuff about the converter in the documentation.