lucaferretti / npstat

Population genetics tests and estimators for pooled NGS data
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 7 forks source link

output file option `-stats` #5

Open kiwiroy opened 7 years ago

kiwiroy commented 7 years ago

As an option for #3.

As npstat outputs progress status to stdout the following might be an option @cfljam.

gzip -dc pileup.gz | npstat [options] -stats >(cat) - >/dev/null

cfljam commented 7 years ago

Thanks will try out shortly

cfljam commented 7 years ago

Works as expected writing to named file..Many thanks

[05:03][cfljam@aklppf31:npstat (output-filename)] $ git branch -v
  master          ef389e8 Add files via upload
* output-filename 7d3cf0f add an output file option `-stats`
[05:03][cfljam@aklppf31:npstat (output-filename)] $ ./npstat 
no pileup file supplied
Missing values in command line!
    npstat [options] file.pileup
  or to read from standard input:
    npstat [options] -
   -n samplesize : haploid sample size
   -l windowlength : window length
   -mincov minimum_coverage : filter on minimum coverage (default 4)
   -maxcov maximum_coverage : filter on maximum coverage (default 100)
   -minqual minimum_base_quality : filter on base quality (default 10)
   -nolowfreq m : filter on minimum allele count mac>m
   -outgroup file.fa : outgroup file in FASTA
   -annot file.gff3 : annotation file in GFF3
   -snpfile file.snp : consider SNPs only if present in file.snp
   -stats file.stats : output stats to an alternately named file